

Stretching out
as if to touch,
the fingertips 
of the sky

with the land,
as it heaves  
a deep sigh

The messenger-
the wind,
now tingles
the leaves 

So close now-
the Union,
of hearts 
that breathe

As One,
no matter
they be

They dwell
in a realm,
and Free

From cynics
and skeptics,
it is hidden 
from sight

But the Hearts 
that See, 
in delight 

As we were driving to the lake from a hill, I saw three huge (but subtle) rainbows in the horizon, below, towards the town. I was excited to see if they were forming near the lake. As we drove closer, I realised, sure enough, they were right behind the lake! There was extra magic and purity all around today. The sky and clouds sure were making their presence known today, lighting up in different colours and shapes. I noticed many comb like formations in the clouds, reaching downwards too, like streams of light. 

The poem above is about the energy of union, which is something that a lot of people are feeling these days and I've been feeling strongly too. This is not just about lovers, but first your inner sacred marriage. There is also a strong sense of soul families and groups coming together. Love is in the air! <3 font="" nbsp="">

As you feel the energy of love and union around you, it can ignite that spark that's already within you too. Love multiplies-flame to flame. But there is also a message here that the heart needs to be open to magic and possibilities, in order to experience it. Otherwise this realm of love, purity and magic, can be hidden from sight ;) 


After I came home, I also pulled an oracle card for all of us for an additional message, which goes with the poem I'd already written and what I was feeling the whole day! I got a card with the picture of a magical pink glowing heart. It looks like the person is reaching out to hold it. The message on the back is 'Secret Admirer': Someone has deeper feelings for you than they are letting on. 

Rather than take this message too literally, I feel it is saying that you are loved more than you think and that the energy of love is all around you. Open the doors in your heart that are still closed to possibilities and you may be surprised at how love (in its various forms) comes flooding in. Love doesn't always come in the way we expect, and we need to trust first and to not try to control outcomes. So there is a need to first open your heart to love, without worrying too much about the hows, and be prepared to be surprised! This card speaks of the energy of being open to surprises and having a playful attitude when it comes to love. This also means being in the present moment and enjoying being very sensual at this time ;) 


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