A bit on Ascension symptoms

We are still having some Ascension symptoms. I have been feeling the lazer point-like heat at a specific point on the head for quite a few days now. The spinal column and nervous system are connected to receiving Divine light. This is why we always say it is important to sit straight, have a straight back. When these kind of symptoms related to overheating or even physical muscle spasms along the head/neck happen for a continued period of time, there are often realignments and enhancements taking place in the way we receive Spirit guidance. In case of pain, we can breathe deep as this brings the flow of prana to the area as it is undergoing a cosmic 'surgery'. Spending time in nature, drinking fluids is always advisable too when we feel like overheated lightening rods!

If you are experiencing these changes, you may be guided to rest and rejuvinate to allow for readjustments, but you may also be guided to exercise or be creative, to allow the Divine fire to be channeled in a proper way. The body will always show us what it needs each moment if we are paying attention. We may be drawn to certain foods like more fluids, juices or things that balance the heat like salads or other foods that are 'cool' in nature.
We have to be flexible in allowing for these changes to support our bodies as they undergo rapid change on our Ascension process. Sometimes we don't realise just how much integration work our bodies are doing at levels beyond the physical. But the deeper we step into our Ascension mastery, the more these changes get physical as well. Pleiadian lineup is also coming up mid November, and this will be a gateway of such significant readjustments too, where our Galactic teams work with us so we can step through important gateways concerning our rites of passage.


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