Harmonising our Ascension

 We felt a rare earthquake here in the Zagreb/Slovenia region today. My cupboard was rumbling against the wall! Earth changes around the world can vary from awe inspiring to rough at times and we can tend to forget at a larger level, this is a natural balancing/harmonisation process.

Yesterday Spirit kept pointing out how there has been a shift in the air, how we are embracing a new level of harmony within ourselves and all life. We each contribute to the evolution of the planet, and consequently, all life through the choices we make every moment. And even as the Earth evolves, we do not until we make that choice at an individual level. Recently, a shift was very palpable in the collective. Even though most souls still choose within the old, there was a sense of upliftment, a different overall harmony within the collective. I even saw the words 'evolution' and 'revolution' everywhere.

When we are one with our Tree of Life, we can feel the song of the Cosmos and the very beat and rhythmn of the planet, as it accelerates too. And when Mother Earth reveals herself to us in all her forms, fierce and gentle, we are once again humbled and reminded of her glory, as well as our own, for being a part of Creation. I AM so deeply honoured to be in embodiment at this time when we can witness our own unfolding before our eyes so rapidly, intimately, and like never before on the planet. Through all the things we go through each day, the choices we are presented, remember the larger plan you are part of. Why you are here in the first place. I love you all!

Harmonising our Ascension:
I wanted to include the guidance we got for today, that explains the washover of harmonisation we are feeling on our Acension process.

We are standing at a new juncture in our Ascension process which is all about complete harmony. Whereas in the past, perhaps we attached onto certain areas of our life that we felt more comfortable in. We may have focussed excessively on our work and given it our unwavering attention while not being more vulnerable and allowing for expansion in our relationships. Or the other way around. When we were not balanced in one aspect of our life, it showed up as over-compensation or over-attaching ourselves in another. But after many recent initiations in the past months, we have finally entered a space of homeostasis energetically.

We may be going through some 'final' initiations where our trust feels like it is being tested. Often this is because we have made the shift internally, but the physical can take a while to follow up and mirror it. And when we witness this big contrast within and without, we can start to feel pulled in different directions and second guess our intuition and whether we are headed on the right path. But any old we are feeling does not hold ground or have the foundations we gave it any longer, it is merely floating around in our vortex to be transformed and harmonised with the New. So through the shift, let us remember we are this vortex, this space of harmony.

The Teacher card has come to us today, to boost our trust, confirm that we are in touch with our truth. But our knowing only gets stronger and more refined when we are willing to act upon it without the fear of making 'mistakes'. There are no wrong moves when we understand that each move is a pebble paved on the 'right' path.

The message in the book says, "Alder is the blessed tree that speaks to you of your own inner teacher as well as taking the good advice of a sage. Now is the time to be open to the counsel of a teacher or a mentor, as well as your spirit guides. While seeking knowledge don't discount your own wise counsel. A spiritual warrior is wise enough to seek inspiration and listen carefully to the advice of others, weighing all options thoughtfully in order to triumph. Use your own judgement, exploring all possibilities before acting on advice. Often you will find the answers you need when you connect with the sage within you."

Divining charm:
Oracle wisdom like milk flowing down
Shields your position like the tooth of a hound
In your quest of the spiritual warrior, be wise
Shield your emotions while you heed good advice


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