Grounding our Eternal Truth

After the Paris incident things in the collective energy have been dense. Last week, my guides said to me that I will experience a big shift and I will be walking away smiling. Well that's exactly what happened. But as always, not in the way I thought!

 The same evening, I went out and a man cornered me in a threatening way and demanded to know what country I AM from and what I'm doing in Croatia. I could tell he had been on drugs. I wouldn't tell him and he gestured as if he was pulling something out of his jacket. I knew he was probably faking it but in that moment, when I knew physical harm to me was a possibility, I just embraced the moment and looked at him. I was surprised at how calm I was not scared at all. In that moment something within me shifted. It can't be described in words but it was just a knowing that I AM so much grander than just this physical body. That in my Eternal truth, I AM immortal. And that as long as I AM in this calm core of my being, I AM always where I need to be, no matter how things are playing out around me. And simultaneously I saw a shift in his eyes and he suddenly walked off cursing.

This happened on the day the square between Neptune and Saturn became exact, and many of us at this time are going through our own initiations of anchoring our Truth in the physical, whether these initiations were big or small they always ask us to choose Truth instead of fear. To see things as they are rather than label ourselves or others as victims or to have to look to someone to blame. When we do this we just pass fear around. As long as we are looking outside for the root cause, we are looking in the wrong direction. True change begins within. And we are the changemakers!

We have had eons of living in subjugation and control without even knowing it. The planet has never seen true power anchored in mass, which has nothing to do with control over others, but with complete inner dominion over Self first, and only then being in service for the higher good, serving within the laws of Love, Oneness and freedom, that come from a natural order of life. The souls who are walking the path of Ascension in body are grounding these frequencies of raw innate power and freedom of living in Source. This aspect of Neptune and Saturn continues into 2016. So it is giving us a taste of how things are changing and the New we are consciously shifting into is the energy we can look forward to living in the coming year.  

Here is a video where I talk about this. Subscribe to my youtube channel to get updates directly!


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