Enlightenment in the New era

So happy to spend an afternoon with my Beloved trees... I AM so grateful to these beings for holding the space they do. Not to mention how they purify the air at a physical level too. There are so many in the hilly area we live in. They make living in a city so much more pleasant for a nature being like me. There are some things you just know in your soul. Each of us is born within Creation with a certain frequency... there are different types of beings. This is why it is so important to know our own frequency. Only when we know what we are can we interact with others within equilibrium. Only when we know our frequency at a Creation level can we realise our full potential, and be of the greatest service possible to All That Is.
I AM a Pillar of Light and it is my main purpose.. to anchor the column of White Creation light and Crystalline codes into the Earth grids. I came here to assist with Earth's Ascension. Nature is a pure expression of this White light in physical form, as are we in Truth. When we go out into nature, it is not just about connecting with other beings. Nature reflects to us Creation codes... what kind of nature beings we are at our core, how we were created and what our larger purpose is, not just on this Earth plane but within All That Is. And when we tune into how we connect with nature within purity and groundedness, this is revealed to us, as we expand in our Ascension. It has nothing to do with wishing you are something that you were not created as, or denying what you know yourself to be. As long as we chase labels, we deny ourselves the exquisiteness of experiencing ourselves. Each kind of being was created equal but unique by Source!  
Many people see that I don't have a regular job. But it is only once we open up to a higher reality that we can truly know this! I spend most of my time at home or in nature. So they keep asking me what it is I do all day. But there are many things I do within levels other than the physical too. Even before I AM an Ascension Guide to other beings, I AM a Pillar of Light. And this work is constantly on. I serve not just with my mind and feelings but by anchoring codes through my physical body as well. The physical body is not used to channeling so much light and fine frequencies. And so when we become a pure vortex for Spirit, this work requires constant devotion. There is constant training by Spirit through deep trust and inner knowing. There is consistent fine tuning to become an ever purer vessel that is often activated though challenging life situations. It is something like being a soldier, always on call and duty to the Divine Will. Whether it is hour long activations in the middle of the night or constantly embracing yourself and extending your comfort zone. Yet one who has experienced this knows that there is nothing else they would rather do, rather be no matter what the challenge. They see it as their honour to serve Creation and no challenge is too big.
It takes a lot of Presence and constant balance to be and live with others who do not yet know their own Majesty and what they really are. Yet we do this within Divine Love as our Higher Service. It is much easier to live on a mountain top or away from the masses like many masters of the past did. This was needed in the past because not as many beings were ready for Ascension. And the energies of the Earth were denser at the time, so becoming a hermit was necessary in many cases. But now we are at a time in our evolution where there are many beings who already are, and will be choosing Ascension in the waves of awakening to come. Together we can create so much more! This is why many volunteer souls were born within everyday family backgrounds so that there would be many examples of those who underwent their 'enlightenment' process living within a regular family situation. There is no more separation of 'regular' people and those on the path of enlightenment. There are no 'chosen ones'. We are all chosen. In the past there was a lot of emphasis on higher truths and principles and masters taught these to others. This is because most beings were more interested in being disciples rather than Masters themselves. But in the actual process of Ascension, these higher truths open up from inside of you on their own once you open up the heart. The Higher Mind can only be accessed through the Higher Heart. When Higher Principles are just handed to someone who has not yet opened up to Divine Love, they are further recycled within distortion and taught as dogma. They are not based in freedom or Love. This is why the new age has so much potential. We are anchoring the path of the Divine Feminine that has long been disregarded. It is only once we open up in the heart and open ourselves up to experience, the cycles of death and rebirth in the body that we transform from within. This is why the New Masters are very candid and humble about their cycles of expansion and experience. They do not care to project themselves as perfect beings with innate Higher knowledge, which is simply not Truth. We know that a Master is one who knows him/herself as perfect in their constant unfolding. And now we are at a stage in our evolution where many beings are starting to accept this. We are bringing 'enlightenment' to the home through embodying this example of the Divine Human. And in this way we are changing society from the inside out. Change is much more profound when it is done as an 'insider'! This is what the path of the New Masters is like. And this is why those who came to assist with Ascension as the first wave are really 'pushed' to empower themselves and there is constant fine tuning in our Mastery. I send all Ascension devotees on the path of Self Mastery, my fellow Divine Lovers so much Love. You are loved and embraced for what you are, always. Never forget that. You need only allow it to yourself <3 font="">


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