Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Libra: Choose Simplicity in relationships

The eclipse in Libra we have tomorrow is really igniting New beginnings when it comes to living our values. The period between the two eclipses this month really ushered us into a new phase of physical abundance and expansion where we chose to honour ourselves first. We have expanded as Masters. Where we anchored our roots deep in a grounded way, they are Now spreading far and wide rapidly too. Every time we expand in embodiment we draw more of the external to us too through our light. 
This is why it becomes important to become more discerning and choose where to engage with our energy to live Simply. 

With the eclipse tomorrow, we are being presented with choices within relationships for sure! A Master always makes choices within Divine Love, which is about the equal flow of giving and receiving. Where we choose to give of our energy to avoid confrontation and just because it is the more comfortable thing to do, we are not being honest with ourselves. This is choosing separation from Self, not Love.    
These choices can be most testing when they involve those we are closest to. This is where we can feel most vulnerable. But every time we make a choice within our inner Truth, we hold the space for empowerment not only for ourselves but the other as well. We free ourselves and them from co-dependence and create the potential for co-creation within a higher vibration of Divine Love. As long as we make choices just to 'protect' others emotions, we are not beholding them as an equal. And in their highest potential as a spiritual sovereign. It is not up to us to worry about whether others understand or agree with our choices or not. Remember just like you, their own soul is working through them in their own process of empowerment. Our job only is to choose the Truth that comes through our I AM Presence and to convey it with Love. This way, we live in Simplicity. And others only connect with us when they too are ready to co-create within Divine Love.   

How do we know that something is right for us and within Divine Love? 
It makes us feel alive, joyful and brings a sense of expansion and thriving. This is because it is supported by the flow of the Now. When something is not right for us in the Now, it feels like it is lacking life, boring, outworn or stagnant. The courageous choices we make now are creating space for New relationship energy within Divine Love. Let us honour ourselves and those around us that are (consciously or unconsciously) setting up the necessary conditions for our expansion.

Have a wonderful eclipse! I AM off to the mountains where I will enjoy the eclipse energies sleeping under the stars :) 


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