Scorpio Full Moon

Happy Scorpio Full Moon and Earth Day everyone! Everyday is Earth day if you ask me. I spent my day in nature by the stream. Was much needed in the intensity we are feeling :) At this time, we are experiencing a 'return of Love' in one way or another. And there are many Beloved codes flowing in Now about how we uniquely work with the Beloved essence with our frequency. Sometimes it takes courage and deeper faith where our path is different from others. But this is as it should be, because we are all meant to bring a unique light. And pave paths that no one has before. This is why there are no firsts, we are ALL pioneers and wayshowers, if we choose to be. This is the mystery and adventure of Life!
The path you are meant to discover and shine light on is always here just for you. There is never a race or hurry, because your light is your own to bring. This is why we can release emotions of guilt or shame at what we think we didn't achieve. Instead be fully Present with all your senses in the Joy of where you are Now. This is where the highest is available to us anyway. And it flows to us like the sudden birth of a stream when we make the space. This is the nature of living in the Zero Point field.


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