Diwali 2016: The return of the Light Weaver

Every year we celebrate the Return of Light as the festival of Diwali. But each year, the Earth has upgraded to a new level of Light. And so it is important to not just celebrate for the sake of celebration. But to know what we can do with this Light, as the New Masters of the Golden Age. The New Magicians and Weavers of Light. Some of the themes that are relevant in our Ascension at this time of rebirth and new initiation are spoken about below. Have a wonderful Scorpio New Moon/Diwali!


There is a lot we are shifting on the inside. What a potent time! We are having some breakthrough moments when it comes to facing things we didn't realise we were carrying. Today morning I woke up with a string of dreams and feeling this constriction/knot very deep in my solar plexus area. Usually it is easy for me to go into those areas and remind them they are Love. But this one kept resisting/moving away every time I dove in. This usually happens when we are accessing the deeper more long hidden parts. But I was able to do so, gently but in a focussed way, within Love. To remind all of my body it is safe and supported in all ways on the Earth plane. It's funny how our own openness and some energetic gateways can make accessible some areas that were otherwise hidden. Even as we feel some intensity, breakthrough moments are happening NOW where we suddenly recognise there is an even higher way to live Freely in Love. In a way that hadn't occured to us before. It is a rare opportunity to go in deeper than we have!

For the souls who are leading the way into the Golden Age, there were no forerunners or examples before us. We are each here to birth from our Inner Knowing the new rules of a new society, new structures within them and new ways of forming communities within the balance of first sustaining ourselves materially and physically in all ways. Each step of our journey is something of a revolution not just for us, but for mankind. This is why fears can come up about being able to create what we are here to, and still be supported. 
It is simply the same fear of the unknown that comes up each time we are at a new starting point, when we are taking a new stride for Humankind. So anytime we feel this fear, it does not serve us to believe we are burdened with constantly clearing away the old. The Master embraces what is, but focuses on the creation of the New. 


The Volunteer Souls are coming into a more Grounded Awareness, like never before, of what the Human is as Love embodied. Trying and testing out what this means at a physical experience level. Testing the limits of what we can weave in the physical from inner Light, as the New Magicians. No living Human can tell you what this limit is. Because as New Humans, we expand it every day through our desire nature. We are standing at the precipice of a new physical creation cycle. One in which we will be creating with the frequency of Limitlessness, like we have not known before. This is why there is a large void (and uncertainty) felt. And we may be anticipating some physical changes in our lives, whether this is physical relocation or change in way we offer our services. More Light will come in as information in the coming time, once we make space for this large black loving void that can magnetise Light like a black hole. It is also a time of shifting of the connections that have supported us that are no longer aligned, not because there is something wrong with them, but because the new creation cycle is a higher octave experience. So we need to trust that the Light will create new ways of support for us when we courageously take the first action steps within our Star Path.

During gateways where our mission goes through an upgrade, our desire for the new is accelerated. We can feel irritable because there is a lot of Creation force running through us for new creation and it re-ignites the grand dreams we brought at a cellular level for the communities of the New Age. And when we see that grand dream is not fully here in the physical, we can feel disillusioned or like we are not good enough to make it happen. And yet, the path of Mastery is always about letting the full potential flow through you at Light level, but knowing that it will ground in the best way that is possible in the physical for the NOW. When we just relax, trust and allow. At a higher level, these irritations or hyper-ness are simply the Ascension symptoms experienced as the body upgrading when it soaks in Light.

We are also reminded to not just sit and wait for others to come through to help us in the realisation of our grand plans for our life in service and the New Earth. But to take small but Grounded initiatives ourselves first. For this is the way we activate that energy into being. That can only find a way to ground through us. Your small and Grounded initiatives are not meaningless. They are perhaps the most important contributions to Ascension. For at this stage of early Ascension, no matter what we are 'doing' at a physical level as work, the main thing we are creating are energetic pathways for that particular potential to expand in the physical. Like a prototype, for others to follow too. And this is no small thing!


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