Pure Desire: Daily Ascension Guidance

​Today's Ascension Guidance...​ PURE DESIRE
  • ​​#​Alchemy is what is birthed when ​with ​our Individual Will we make a choice ​of #Purity ​that serves the Divine Order. When the Soul finally fully Surrenders to their highest ​#​Desire which they had perhaps suppressed, all the forces of the Universe join and conspire to make ​it physical​​. In past timelines, Humans were not used to being Conscious of what their Pure Desire is. The kind that exists ​in our #DNA that is not part of any agenda, control or scheme we have created over time as a 'coping' mechanism for living life. ​It is simply what was pre-destined before we came into incarnation because it is part of our Tree of Life frequency, that we chose. ​Spirit keeps reminding me that this is why when we first get in touch with the Purity of our Desire Nature we want to run away. Somewhere we think we will ​'fail' to realise it, or that we will abuse ​it because we are not Pure enough. Yet we are NOW transcending those timelines of the past​ where Humans did not forgive themselves​. It is time ​NOW ​to familiarise ourselves with the Purity we are. We hold such ​#​power that if we let ourselves ​be, we Naturally create things that surpass how they were in our imagination. ​And are left in Awe of the Divine Plan. ​The only thing left to ​do ​is to ​let the whole body ​realise then, that we ​do indeed ​deserve this.


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