Daily Ascension Guidance... New Abundance!
What a wonderful message of Abundant Harvest we get today! It is saying that there are rewards, recognition or prosperity coming to us NOW where we have put in Pure Devotion without any agendas. Especially in the physical. The areas where the Universe is showering us with Abundance are also an indication of our Path... where we will be guided to put our Devotion into for the coming months/year. When our Path of Service lights up this way, this is always not only the highest path for our own expansion but also the expansion of the whole. This is what Love is in Truth... when we create Purely because we love creating something, rather than for the sake of returns, this vibration of co-creating within Pure Love becomes the reward in itself. And is then magnified and mirrored to us in the physical. Nourishing the Whole as well as us in the highest possible way. Just like a flame lights another flame, not losing any of its own sparkle, we are guided to be generous firstly to ourselves to allow us to do those things we most Love without wondering whether we 'deserve' it. And as we relish in this New Love we have allowed ourselves, we can be generous to others too. There is a feeling NOW of connecting with others and with Life heart to heart. And Flame to Flame. Supporting and Flowing with each other within the equal Flow of Divine Love. As the vibration of Divine Love spreads its roots wider on the planet each year, it touches more hearts and can sustain all those who have been serving it in Devotion and Surrender at new levels.
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