Messages from the Stars: May 2017

SHOWING UP FOR THE WHOLE IN A NEW WAY: There is a fortunate turn of events when it comes to our finances this month! We may or may not have realised it but a fresh cycle of nurturing new projects has begun with the Taurus New Moon we had in late April. And NOW in May, we can start to see growth in our Abundance. But this is happening when we allow ourselves to show up in Service. Even these new ideas that have blossomed that we are NOW nurturing and allowing to grow have to do with higher Service and showing up for something larger than ourselves. So take out some time regularly this month to connect to your Ancestors or Family of Light. And ask them to impregnate you with ideas for how to show up for the whole. Let this month be devoted to that... SHOWING UP FOR THE WHOLE IN A NEW WAY. This is what is leading to physical abundance. 

When we work and serve with the Light, things have a way of flowing to us at just the time that is right. Sustaining ourselves within the Christ or Buddha Light does require complete Surrender and devotion to showing up. But this is also what makes us most happy. It is the path of least resistance and complete fulfillment. Know that so long as you make regular time to connect with the UNIVERSE, to ask it to show you where you can serve in a grounded way in the NOW, this WILL be revealed to you. And then all you need to do is enjoy that action. And you WILL enjoy it because what comes from Spirit is always grounded. Is always Love. And we love being in body and co-creating with Love!

DIVINE REUNIONS: This month we can also look forward to Reunions in relationships. Where we are allowing the Christ seed to blossom within us and reveal to us layer by layer what we truly are, something Magical is opening up in the physical as well. And there is a sense of immense support and rejoicing with other souls who are in harmony with our values. And the way we have recently remembered to value ourselves is met and responded to by others. We are guided to stay firm within our values. We may at first be retracting or feeling a bit detached from the relationships we have known. This is only because at first the focus is inner. Allowing us to go within to let the Christ seed flourish. And once we receive ourselves this way, as if for the first time, THEN we are ready to receive others too. And co-create something in a way we have not so far on the Earth plane.  


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