The Awakened Seer Soul Portrait package

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The Awakened Seer

Destroyer of all
that has been corrupted
You are the keeper 
of Higher Justice 

A sense of Right Order 
known only to you
What should be replaced,
what must stand in lieu

Through your alignment
these seeds descend
The keys for Humanity 
to Ascend
In your dispassionate, 
nebulous gaze
A Being remembers
the Creator's praise 

Hidden deep in 
you Soul memoirs
is Druidic Wisdom 
conceived in the Stars 

The Galactic Volunteer
Come to New Earth 
as the Awakened Seer 

The Awakened Seer–Portrait Description

This is the Soul Portrait of The Awakened Seer. The sword, staff and robe contain Elven patterns. A message in this portrait is that they have a sword to destroy or break free from the old, but also a staff which is about creating the new through Simple inner Magic and embodying their Self Mastery.    

They have a deep connection with all of Nature but especially trees. At the time of conception of all of Earth's creatures, The Elves, who are Creator Gods were known to be the ones who taught the trees to talk and had a deep connection and fraternity especially with them. Elven Wisdom is related to Higher Principles of Creation, whereas the trees are the ones who hold ancient Earth Wisdom and how these principles work and flourish on the planet. This soul has the hidden knowledge to connect both inside of them, bringing through unique perspectives. They may want to read about Druidism and the Hermetic Principles to awaken Soul Remembrance and bring in more through their own Tree of Life connection. 

They serve the 5th or Green Ray of Truth and their main Spiritual purpose is to restore balance on Gaia through being in touch with and protecting Truth, as well as creating from it. Also being a spokesperson for the Earth's kingdoms that don't have a voice. The 2nd or Yellow/Gold Ray of Active Intelligence and discovery is also important and helps shower them with Illumination and keen abilities to accumulate and distribute knowledge from their unique perspective, through various mediums and forms. The Ascended Master who served this ray and overlights them is Lord Kuthumi.  

The bracelet contains the Tree of Life symbol which is representative of their unique Creation Wisdom that trickles down and percolates through their own Tree of Life which connects them to their various multi-dimensional levels. This fully opens up with complete Surrender and alignment to Self. What also opens up is Wisdom of mastering the body in new ways. I used some black tourmaline beads which are about having the courage to Unconditionally accept and transform the old, as well as lava beads which are about igniting passionate creation of the new. Both are also protective and help with balancing energies or emotions that are challenging. 

To commission your own Soul Portrait package, visit the following link: 


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