New Humans as First Creators

photography by @gnatge0
The highest of realms of the Prime Creator are working with us NOW through the Creator Beings that work in close contact with it to create grander life paths. Since the eclipse season ended last month, we have landed new realities for a whole year ahead. We have since had a month or so to soak it all in, to see how these changes fit in to our life. And NOW it is time to allow for that to fully merge in our physical life. When it comes to grander life paths, they are often ones we didn't plan for or hope to experience in the way we find ourselves creating them. They often test us at first because we don't know this yet another grand side of us and the potential that can create in the physical. We are being asked NOW to create space for these changes that we feel are here to stay. To not compromise on how we have known ourselves to be and our values but to accommodate the new within it. To open up more time, devotion and energy in our schedule and daily life for these happy changes. Very often we will stare at them in the face and get scared at how they can ever take hold in the physical in a long-lasting and sustainable way, for they can seem too idealistic or too challenging somehow. Yet when it comes to seeds of new higher Light, they are often Simple, small and compact. A small seed that contains the potential of the entire tree within it. Which when given the right soil and nurture, blossoms in ways we can't predict beforehand. We are simply being asked to make enough space in our lives to allow these new potentials to flourish. To recognise the tiny seed for the potential it may contain and not reject it. For this is opening up our potential to create in utmost freedom, free of shame, fear and rejection. In utmost Bliss and for the Love of simply creating. In the way that the source of All, Prime Creator creates. As we allow First Precipitation, or the Purest of direct communication with the Source within and create simply from that space without blocking the immense potential and purity of that seed directly received from Creation realms, we are slowly recognising and coming into our First Creator Human potential. Acting like Gods in our own right on the planet, ones that create within Love in service to all that is. 

photography by @gnatge0
There is a speeding up of time that is being experienced as expansive timelines blend within the physical realities we have known so far. Where we may have been guided in previous years to spend a lot of time alone, in nature etc to receive messages and to expand spiritually, we may be finding NOW the need to accommodate more time with the external in our lives. Be it people, new schedules, more association with others through our work etc. With more people embracing a grander frequency as well as the light potential having expanded on Earth in general, there is just more new available in the external to us NOW. And there is more new here to work with.       

** I have a 40% SALE going on on the Higher Guidance Services with me (Skype sessions, channeled messages, inner child work program), for a short while only, click the following link to read more:

Watch the detailed video posted on the Living our Ascension youtube channel at the following link:


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