Galactic Pleiadian Gateway November 16-19 2018 !!

What's opening up during this Galactic Pleiadian Lineup? 

When the Earth aligns in certain positions with the Galactic Centre, this open up a steady stream of Galactic frequencies that penetrate deeper and more readily than at other times. During the Pleiadian Lineup which is exact in the coming week November 16-19, but we have been feeling since last week and will continue to for a few days after as well, these high vibrational energies cause a speeding up effect. At this time, our Soul Mission and Soul Contracts for the next 6 months are revealed to us as well. 

(I have made a video on this which contains an extra short guidance message at the end, and is linked at the bottom of this page. Here are the main notes from the video below, describing the changes we are noticing already.)

1. The collapse of the 3rd dimension, Acceleration of Pre-destined Soul Plans: An ushering of Lightworkers towards the Light. Some are going through an experience of 'suffering' through sudden losses and reversals, mainly for those who still hold very strong associations with the third dimension and attach all of their survival with it. These events happen to provide a chance for these Souls to realise they are more than just the physical body and that the idea of suffering is self created and not needed at the Soul level. For some Souls who chose to achieve a certain level of Remembrance in this life, but there was still a gap in this coming to be, such events provide an acceleration. For only when a Human loses that which they held on to do they realise they are still alive. That they have an identity, and can thrive without it. Even as these events can be challenging and life altering, there is no greater liberation than the realisation that we are truly Free. For those Souls who are farther along their Ascension path and have been Consciously working with it, in other words are living in the 4th and 5th dimensional experiences (or higher), these reversals are either less dramatic, or experienced in a less dramatic way. But again pave the way for certain realisations of Ultimate Liberation.   

2. Angelic Service: More amongst those on the Ascension Timeline are merging with their Angelic Self. This is a very high level of our Enlightenment process. But the opportunities to live it are here. Since different people are at different levels of Ascension, for most this is a time to get codes from their Angelic Self. Mostly this is happening through a lot of repatterining within in the midst of challenging outer circumstances. There is an area of life we are discovering we cannot change or hope to just wait it out until it shifts. We may have transcended our Awareness from just the 3d level yet we will move about in a 3d society for the decades to come. And so the Mastery happening NOW is the realisation that an Angel doesn't change its Blissful nature just because something of the external cannot be changed. Wherever they find themselves present, it is to create a new dimension of being. A space where because they know and hold Christ Light, it finds its presence on the Earth. Especially those in the midst of chaos, serve to make it available to those around them. When we have purified ourselves to a certain level and we wonder why it feels like things that are not ours constantly come our way for us to 'clean up'.. this is the reason why. Because an Angelic Being just follows the thought of Creator and finds themselves where its stream flows. Their job is not to question, but to know that as long as they remember themselves as Christ Light, this creates a zone that is Perfectly safe, protected and expansion-filled, for themselves and others, despite surface appearances at the third dimensional level. Moments when we are called to question such things are also moments where these new questions come into our Awareness and thus the answers follow soon after in the form of abilities we didn't think we had capacity for. Take Inspiration from Jesus' life which is not really about dying for the sake of others, rather knowing what is a higher sacrifice, which in actuality is transcendence for not just yourself personally, but hoards of others ready to transcend at their own levels too.   

3. Critical Questions Lead to Critical Culminations and Moments of Brilliance: These answers are not ones that can be given to us by the world. When dire questions rise from within the Soul about the whys and hows of life, and no one really knows the answer, if the soul is open without ego and judgement, they are shown how it is their unique task to bridge that gap and somehow contribute to that answer. Moments of brilliance and flashes of Inspiration are possible NOW where unique answers are being channeled by us regrind our very specific multi-dimensional frequency and areas of expertise.  

Watch the video with the extra Guidance message at the end for this Galactic time!  


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