The February 11:11 portal

My 11:11 portal day today turned out to be so Magical! Exactly like the guidance that came through in today's reading.

Lately I was guided to look online for some books on the Goddess essence. Today I was supposed to go to the hills but made last minute plans to go to this open valley area near my mum's office. On my way back something told me to go visit her in the office. I ended up going to the library they have just to look around, and found three books that seem perfect! I wasn't even looking for anything specific and they popped right out.

Right before I entered her office I was playing with my camera... singing randomly to myself and making a video and suddenly spotted a beautiful white spiral snail. This is how Spirit 'leads us on' to hints into our direction. Spirals and the colour white represent Creation and the flow of the Goddess essence. When we are playful and in the flow of the moment, Magic is always flowing through us and is experienced all around.

As I was entering the building, in the clouds I also saw a giant dove of Spirit with a rainbow head. There were multiple rainbows that stayed for half an hour too in the sky.

Hope you are having an equally Magical day! The synchronicities coming through Spirit are nudges of new directions for us. When it comes to synchronicities we never need to analyse signs with the lower mind. Things just happen one after another, they come to us and suddenly it all makes sense like a flash of lightening!   

Below is the spontaneous video of me finding the shell.

P.S If you didn't catch the daily Ascension message for today that I do on my facebook page, you can check it out below too. 

Today's Ascension guidance... 11:11 portal of Grace!We get the cards 'Octomotion' and 'Reward'.

Today is the 11th day in this year's february which is an 11 month. Numerologically we have an 11:11 portal today. 11 is the number of Self Mastery. It relates to the I AM Presence, our individualised God Self. We are surely going to be receiving some higher codes today through the light of Illumination from the realms of Truth.

We have been feeling a lot of drive and activity to move forward with our new plans. We may almost be feeling like there are too many things to do and birth in the physical and we don't know which one to start with. Our cards today are saying that the best way to navigate our way is to be flexible and fluid. There are a lot of ideas coming together but not all has fully grounded yet so let us relax, be open to more and not try to do everything at once.

Even though we may have had a lot of plans or things to complete for the day, be available to what wants to come through in the Now, as there are higher codes coming in. Where we resist, we may feel more frustration as we are going against the stream. There are 'Rewards' available for us in the form of breakthroughs in our Mastery, when we allow ourselves to just be and take action from an inspired place. May we allow the Light of Illumination to penetrate us completely and guide us to inspired action!

I also feel the message of the card Octomotion is that we may find how the I AM Presence as our Pupeteer is always operating through us in flow.
We may be surprised to find how we randomly pick up objects, rearrange things or have sudden out-of-the-blue isights that are birthed as something Magical, wholesome and aligned with the sacred Geometry of the Cosmos! And such moments show us how there was never a need to 'push forward' or 'try at' something. When we relax into the Flow that we are, we are natural and graceful channels for Beauty and Inspiration. How beautiful!

The message in the book says, "Octomotion – Flow, Flexibility: Octopuses are known for their ability to swim with fluidity and to conceal themselves as they crawl across the reef. If you are fortunate enough to see one it is likely they are doing the dance of Octomotion, demonstrating graceful, flexible movement. They can pull their arms into tightly coiled spirals or stretch them beyond what seems possible. The mantle can take on the spiky appearance of seaweed or the bumpy texture of coral. The Octopus is the 8-legged master of motion and flexibility. This card asks you to examine how ideas and events are moving toward the subject of your inquiry. Are you in resonance with the flow? Are you engaging the situation with optimism, suppleness and flexibility? If so, this card applauds the sincerity of your intentions. Or do you feel the need to camouflage your ideas and emotions by adapting yourself to what you believe is expected of you? There are many ways to move through a situation. The path of least resistance is generally the easiest"
