August 1st week Guidance reading

For this week's reading, choose either stone 1, 2 or 3. 

Then scroll down for the reveal and the messages! Have a fabulous week.

1. ​You chose the green painted stone.
Your message is that there is a new aspect of you that is emerging into the physical NOW. Creative projects will help you to both recognise and honour this higher reality and live it in your physical, as well as bring you immense creative fulfillment. This was a stone I painted several years ago when I was integrating a new aspect of Self. It was a reflection of an aspect of my soul. There is a sense that as you allow yourself to just be more sensual in your everyday, by relishing each moment and everything in your life, including the material things you have, your heart will feel the Flow and you will spontaneously just know how and what to create. It is important to act on these spontaneous urges even if they seem small in the moment, for often these lead to something bigger.

The additional message in the book says, Take the lead–Strong energies for success are around you as new opportunities are opening up. Tap into this energy to fire up your relationships and bring you all that you desire regarding matters of the heart. Call down the Divine Flame to ignite your passion and show you the way to achieve your deepest wishes. Don't wait for others to make a move. Take the initiative! Be bold! Keywords: Enthusiasm, initiative, grounding, creativity.

2. You chose the bronze coloured heart stone.
This is a perfectly shaped heart stone. This choice for you NOW is saying that even as you realise the more human aspects of yourself that have been acting from an unconscious place at times, you are to know that you are Perfect within it all. This heart has a bronze/copper colour which are related to Buddha/Christ Consciousness. And just like the Buddha who met with his shadow side under the tree where he attained a state of Ascension in body, you are equally Pure in doing so. Because of the New Age obsession with the light aspects, when we come face to face with some lower qualities, we start to feel like this is something wrong. Yet, the Truth is that those who hold the highest frequencies in form meet these lower qualities within themselves the most often. Because they have let go of the shields and barriers people build within ignorance. So don't recoil into a state of denial about these lower qualities but also don't forget your Divinity within them. They are pointers to your greatest power. This is why when we come face to face with them they feel intense. What we are feeling is the immense magnetic pull of our higher potential as New Humans, as it is coming through the body to be seeded onto the Earth for the first time.

The additional message in the book says, Embrace–Allow all of the pieces to gently fall into place. Don't resist. Just embrace. Your own personal energies are combining to bring you to a new level of being whole and perfect. This will allow your relationships to fall into place beautifully as well. Appreciate the warm sun on your face, the cool breeze blowing through your hair, the lovely flower growing from a crack in a stone wall. By being grateful you surround yourself with contentment and through the Law of Attraction you will welcome more of the same, including more fulfilling relationships. 

3. You chose the black stone.
This stone looks like a perfect representation of the blade/lingam/sword, the Divine Masculine principle. It is speaking about the opening up of new sexuality in your being. If you are feeling intense lifeforce coursing through that is making your whole being come alive, it is time to channel it into any physical or creative activities that have been on your mind. If sexual energy is just bottled up and not channeled it can manifest as frustrations, stagnation or other lower energy. When we open up the being and embrace it, we can move mountains! Our Higher Self knows exactly when to amp up our Tantric force, it always happens for a reason. So the moments when we feel it is really increased are periods in our life when something significant wants to be created through us. You are but an extension of the Great Creation. You need only know yourself as the space through which the highest possible flows in an effortless manner. At first, you don't even have to know what wants to flow exactly. Just to be the space. This is the core of our Self Mastery process. And at each level of our Ascension we anchor a greater ease and Surrender when it comes to being the Clear vessels through which Lifeforce energy recreates itself dynamically.

The additional message in the book says, Sacral Chakra–Known as the sacral chakra, the second chakra located two fingers below your navel and relates to emotions, desires, creativity and sexuality. To activate this chakra, visualise a glowing orange ball of energy in your belly area. See it spinning and sparkling. Feel joy as it grows larger and sends orange sparks out into the Universe. By energising the Sacral, you attract creativity, joy, passion, and love into your life.    
