Passion of the Flame: Daily Ascension Guidance
Today's Ascension Guidance... PASSION OF THE FLAME
There is a lot of Fire moving in the sky igniting our Passionate Flame. Today's message says that immense creative potential is possible when we unite with others in celebration and play, we never know what will come out of it! Allowing in others to Co-create with us opens us up to new adventures that are in some way new sides of ourselves we are yet to discover. When we are renewed in our Inner Fire, which is what is happening NOW, we are very magnetic and draw to us others who can celebrate this inner festivity with us in the external too. This is also a time when we easily draw those who can support the creation of whatever this inner Fire is breathing life into in the physical. It is a time of coming together with others for creative projects and fun that is Divinely inspired and makes physical the pathways of Higher Creativity on the New Earth.
#ascension #highermind
Today's Ascension Guidance... PASSION OF THE FLAME
There is a lot of Fire moving in the sky igniting our Passionate Flame. Today's message says that immense creative potential is possible when we unite with others in celebration and play, we never know what will come out of it! Allowing in others to Co-create with us opens us up to new adventures that are in some way new sides of ourselves we are yet to discover. When we are renewed in our Inner Fire, which is what is happening NOW, we are very magnetic and draw to us others who can celebrate this inner festivity with us in the external too. This is also a time when we easily draw those who can support the creation of whatever this inner Fire is breathing life into in the physical. It is a time of coming together with others for creative projects and fun that is Divinely inspired and makes physical the pathways of Higher Creativity on the New Earth.
#ascension #highermind
#divinemasculine #divinefeminine
#higherheart #divinelove #goddessvibes
#tantra #kundalini #spiritualwisdom
#wisdom #loveandlight #goodvibes
#intuition #christconsciousness #galactic
#contact #activation #meditation
#mindfulness #enlightenment #power
#lightworker #selfmastery #christlight
#whitefire #ascensionflame #serapisbey #angelmessage #angels #higherguidance #shakti #divinewill #divinecreativity #passion #goddess #divinemother
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