Message from Dolphin Consciousness

(for this weekend)

Dolphin Consciousness wishes to work with us at this time! Dolphin Consciousness is related to seamlessly blending timelines. They often show up as guides when we are in a significant state of transition from one cycle to the next. It's interesting that yesterday's message was about our past coming up and how to integrate it with the Present. ​Here is a message from them:
"​Ascending Souls go through a lot of changes on many different levels including bodily ones, lifestyle, relationships, changes in your mission etc. And it can be challenging to make sense of it all ​ while we are in the midst of it​ . This is why we the dolphins are here to bring to your attention ​how to navigate this time . When you are moving from one state into another, Humans can often question a lot about what it all means and become too serious about their process. It is one thing to be focussed and Present in ​what is unfolding in the NOW, and another ​thing ​ to become too ​controlling ​ about it​ . ​​For that closes you up to the Natural effortless Flow that life is already taking you on. We ask you to call upon us during this passage. We can assist you to flow from one state to another so gracefully that you won't know ​the difference ! Meditate on the picture of us swimming across the ocean ​​as Love, ​following the trail of the ​Divine Map in our minds. When you flow fully ​trusting yourself as Love and nothing but Love, somehow the trajectory of your Map is something you will 'just know' too. When we flow through not only your oceans but inter-dimensionally within the Cosmic Ocean, there is no distinction between the heart and the head. Or the feeling and the thought. We ​KNOW and we ​FLOW at the same time. ​Don't try too 'hard' at forcing anything to happen at this time. The Grand Plan is bigger than you and there is always a Perfect place for you within it. Know this beyond anything, and be Present to the opportunities already here in the NOW. You may be surprised at what you discover."
When Dolphins show up as guides, it is usually because ​one of the grander cycle ​s​ in our Ascension is ​ending and another is landing . ​ This is a good time to be in a more Feminine or Receptive state. Like a guest at a dinner party, allow everything to be laid out for you. Enjoy it and say thanks to your generous host, the Universe!
