Integrating Compassion and Grace in all our experiences

The sky a couple of hours ago! Orangy-pink and golden.... reminding us to also cultivate a soft feminine essence of Compassion and Grace as we purify and experience deep alchemy.   

Dear Radiant ones! Do You ever notice how the weather changes in perfect harmony with the energetic influxes our planet receives? 
​The past few days here we have had a lot of rain and wind, which felt quite unusual and sudden. ​Much like the energetic purification we are experiencing at this time as well! 

Purification and initiations into Mastery

I read somewhere that today our Moon is crossing paths with all the planets, and so any suppressed feelings we have related to various areas in our life, are coming to the surface. Personally I have been experiencing a deep deep purification the past few days. Spirit has been showing me where old patterns just will no longer hold, and where I'm ready to move into the next level of Mastery. It has felt draining emotionally, and we must always follow the messages our body gives us. So for me, it has been a lot about going within, retreating, and today when some things weren't working out, Spirit showed me to just drop everything and go out into nature for balance. When I came back, everything was crystal clear and I was able to complete my tasks with ease. Things have a way of working out when we don't force things and be within Divine flow. 

Some of the Ascension 'symptoms' feel like the ones we went through in November. I remember getting intense energy surges which felt like electricity rushing down the spinal column leading to painful neck twitches sometimes. This is related to our meridian alignments and a levelling up in the pure flow of Spirit light through the body vessel. I AM experiencing some of this again now, so it feels like an amplification of that energy from November at this time. We are expanding ever so greatly! 

Integrating Compassion and Grace in all our experiences

What is different this time is that we are really working with integrating the soft essence of the sacred feminine in all our Ascension experiences. We are learning to walk our Ascension path at all times, even the most challenging ones, with Grace. And in doing so, we hold the space to invite others to experience that Grace within themselves as well, if they so choose.  

So we must have compassion for ourselves as we step into this level of Self Mastery. It may be that there are things coming up at this time we thought we had already released. And we may get frustrated with ourselves. But it is important to remember that the more level of light we hold, the more the process of alchemy happens at deeper levels within Self. And so it is not a case of regressing. The shadow is simply amplified so that we can embrace it. And so this is about deeper self mastery, rather than healing.   

Spirit also showed me that we invite these experiences to assist others on their path as well. So let's say when we find ourselves triggered by another, and we breathe and invite that soft Grace of love to flow through us, before we respond, it acts as a balm, softening our experience of alchemy, drenching it with Divine Grace. And in that process of integration that we do this light work, others get to experience this alchemical process within us too (at an energetic level). And it enables them to allow this softness within themselves too if they so choose. Remember that no matter how things appear on the surface, we are always assisting each other within the grander Divine plan. 


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