Original Passion of the Soul and Bliss

Beloved friends!  

Here is an article on the recent Ascension updates. Share if You enjoy!

The Original Passion of the Soul

Our Human self from time to time may tend to categorise every experience as positive or negative, or label it in some other way. But the Soul just thrives on experience and the richness of it. It savours every experience, as every experience is shows it: I exist. I AM. 

When we have challenging situations in our life, for example disagreements with others, they always reflect to us an aspect of ourselves we may have neglected, that is calling for integration. Or they may fortify us in our own knowing. Either way, they bring us a recognition of the Self. 

So on our Ascension path, we are moving to these levels where we live in this state of our soul bliss and I AM-ness. Beyond the concepts of forgiving others, letting go, surrendering, we already live a surrendered life. We know that every experience, even those that feel challenging are in fact, a celebration of us, they are like a homecoming to the Self. It feels like falling in love with the Self again and again. This is the Truth that the Soul knows... its Original passion, to exist.     

Divine relationships: Embracing Grace
I hope You have been feeling the bliss energy lately! I certainly have. Even the sky the past few days was filled with hundreds of these fluffy ones :) 

I wish to share what expansion this time is bringing. For me this is mainly coming through the re-blending of Divine relationships in new ways! 

In this article, I'm not speaking of those relationships that are co-dependent, that we were guided to let go of along our path, but those that are based in co-creation, when 2 or more beings come together to create a third energy, and so there is always flow, they always feel alive and cause the expansion of both beings. 

We may be lucky to have some such relationships in our life. But the journey doesn't end here. The way of a pioneer of Ascension is constant expansion. And so our Divine relationships are expanding as well. When there is a re-calibration, there can be a new birth/rebirthing process. And so at first we may feel a void while something new desires to be birthed from within. 

Spirit was showing me how we are letting go of all expectations within our relationships and embracing complete surrender. This we are doing by embracing our inner wholeness and state of Divine Grace. We are being shown how Grace is not just available to us but is the essence of us. When we feel this void before an expansive new opening, we may feel uneasy like there is something missing or a sense of emptiness. So we may project this onto others and expect them to nourish us in some way. But in Truth this nourishment can only be found within. 

So at this time, the energies are pushing us forward into embracing the flow of the New as we feel this, rather than choose to struggle. We may even be having experiences where we feel a certain part of us we think we lack and then we dig our feet in the ground and say well, this never comes to me no matter what I do. 

Say you're a very nurturing soul, and the close partnership or friendship You have, that soul is more masculine in what they bring to You, qualities like encouragement or support. You feel they bring this to You but not the soft nurture You also need. We can still tend to project this way onto others and expect them to bring a certain quality to us, in the way we imagine. And when they don't we feel disappointed. In that moment we don't think that this is an essence that wants to be birthed from within, that we need to give to ourselves, rather than expecting from another. We always have the choice to embrace our inner wholeness--our essence of Grace in those moments rather than dig our feet in the ground, feel like victims or have to struggle. The resistance or struggle is not necessary, and always a choice. 

In this cycle of Ascension, we are embracing these levels of complete release of expectations from others or the roles that we were still playing within them. 

Spirit showed me how once we embrace this feeling of emptiness that can come up, and surrender to our state of Grace, we shift the energy. There are magical new doors and openings ahead. We are manifesting in a way we never thought possible so don't hold yourself back from stepping into empowerment because You are scared of letting go of what You may lose or what You may not get. So it is time to not limit ourselves in any way. Remember intense or dramatic shifts in energy also mean dramatic manifestation of the New. 

I woke up with some dream guidance too. It was about new gateways of manifestation opening up June onwards for all those of us who are choosing to nurture and nourish ourselves from within. Spirit was showing me how it is Now Spring and it is time to tap into that inner Joy first. And then coming into Summer is when we will see these manifestations of new relationships or connections. So there is magical openings felt of New manifestations but Now we are releasing any ways in which we are limiting our manifestations... from the thoughts we have to the roles we play in our relationships. Along our Ascension path maybe we didn't meet many individuals who embodied the same level of Awareness that we do or those who are devoted to Ascension like we are. So somewhere we became a bit cynical wondering if such beings even exist. And this is one of the ways in which we limit ourselves. As pioneers, we are pushing forward into New territory, so we can't impose any limits on ourselves in any way! 

We are all. And All is possible! There are no limits. It is time to truly know this and live the Magical life we are meant to live. 




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