Igniting the Kali/Black Madonna archetype

The dance of the Kali/Black Madonna: 

The Will of the Goddess now arise
It comes with the motive to stabalise 

Wise are You to leave behind, 
your personal will and go inside 

Your inner cave though void and dark 
is the embrace You were searching for

Embrace the mystery of the unknown 
You know this dance inside your bones 

Wild, feral, free, untamed 
It pulls You out of any cage

Dance along and do not dismay
Be a Wild One, come out and play!

Unleashing our Black wings:

The Black Madonna/Kali or Void Mother archetype is the force that is really igniting in us now. We are merging with our Galactic and cosmic roles and bringing them in our very physical realities. It is time to not just know yourself at a soul frequency level but to anchor it in the physical and step forward with it into our mission here. If we know ourselves as powerful in soul frequency, why are we afraid to live our power in the physical too? This is happening rather quickly but we have already done a lot of the purification process already in the past few months and now all that is left is... for us to know we are ready.

With all this occuring, we are moving into our Power and unleashing our innate raw true potential. This force is wild, feral, seductive and free. It maintains harmony through balance and levelling of the scales. It knows how to hold space for life as well as reclaim it. And when activated it unleashes pure power. The power that we are familiar with so far on the planet is not power at all. It is mostly the shadow masculine aspect that seeks to control all that it is not willing to embrace within it. This has nothing to do with being male or female as these aspects are all part of us, regardless of gender. So we still have those parts of us that see power as scary or bad. It is in fact a loving force that is constantly restoring us and showing us that the Truth of us is not to be attached and contain ourselves within bounds. We are free and primal, belonging only to the force of Creation.

We all want to be Kings and Queens and sit on our thrones but in order for that more masculine rulership aspect to manifest in a balanced way, we need to rule all aspects of ourselves first. We embrace this inner feminine power within us first. It is the force that only knows the flow of the Now. And so it dissolves all within it that are not aligned.

When something inside us ignites and shows us that we are more than we think we are, and yet we don't fully embrace this, we choose the comfortable space of what we know and stay within old 'roles', we may feel this primal force igniting from within. It says Enough, I cannot be contained. When we come face to face with this within ourselves we may at first get scared. We feel the raw potential that lies within it that is wild. But when we are willing to unleash it, we really find ourselves again. We may feel small at first and separate, like this force may overtake us in some way. But this force is also us. We may feel if we let it out we won't have control over it or we will abuse it. But if You know You are grounded, and this is an organic desire within You, do not fear it. You are wise. You are grounded and You are READY. It is time to step into your power and experience all the wonderful things You can create within it.

It is important to know that when we embrace this force and become a channel for it it restores balance in a way that is not forceful. It is strong and grounded, aligned with the laws of Creation. We just become the channel for it and all around balances itself out in perfect Divine order and harmony. Are You ready to embrace the immensity of your true raw potential? Let the Black Goddess enfold You into her warm embrace. You will return rebirthed anew!

(I hope You enjoyed the poem that came through me. It can be used as an invocation).


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