Yin Yang balance & Universal Brotherhood

Dear brothers and sisters of light, 

The recent full Moon in Sagittarius influenced some major catapults into the New! Can You feel it? We were walking through gateways of being in our full Authenticity and living our own truth. There was light shed on where we can still have some attachments to getting our truth through others, or where we have attachment to Truth itself. The days of when Divine truths needed to be protected and guarded are over. So we are releasing any roles we are still playing as protectors of Truth and Purity and remembering that the same Source that runs through one runs through another too. There is a Higher Will at play that sees and takes care of all, and we can relax into that knowing instead of feeling like we need to carry any burdens ourselves. At the same time we are releasing any roles where we feel we may abuse our power and we hold back from stepping into it, or not trusting our inner knowing, facing responsibilities. 

We may still have remnants of patterns we carry from the 'dramas' that occured in other Galactic civilisations, or from Earth's history while they were going through their own process of balance. Earth is a melting pot of civilisations. And many of these remnants are being revealed through inter-personal relationships as we embody more of our Galactic Selves, these are falling away. With this relationships are changing. Some may be leaving, some coming back to be forged in a new way. Let us embrace what each is mirroring to us at this time. Let us not be afraid to embrace the blossoming of ourselves as well as that of others. When we embrace and integrate the opposite polarity within us, only then we embrace unity consciousness within us at all levels. Once we hold this state of integration within ourselves, our inter-personal relationships are empowered as well. 

I want to say to all my brothers and sisters of light, let us not forget this is why we are here in the first place, to show the way of new relationships. We cannot speak of Universal fraternity or enlightened communities of the future if we are not ready to fully empower ourselves first, as well as hold space and compassion for others to do so. I love You all, truly!             


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