Higher Heart embodiment

Hey everyone! Here is an article on a very important gateway of our Ascension process, which is the HIGHER HEART gateway.

There are many people who speak about the activation of the Higher Heart or moving into the 5th dimension using techniques to stir this chakra. When in fact, the way of true embodiment is much more organic and innate. Divine Love is not a destination we can point the directions to, it is what we are. So in this article I just share some pointers that mark this gateway. I hope you find them helpful. 

When we fully activate the Higher heart we embody the essence of Divine Love, which is love free of all attachments. This is when we transcend duality and holding on to the idea that something is negative and another positive. We know that all is Divinely neutral and occurs for our expansion. Rather than blame ourselves or others for the things that have occured in our past, or holding on to regrets, we ask ourselves questions like:
Why did my soul choose to experience this? What is it mirroring to me? What further empowerment is this experience bringing me? 

Letting go of past attachments: 
We don't suppress any longer, but embrace all emotions as they are occuring without labelling them as wrong or bad. We don't judge any emotion as being negative. This is not the same as identifying with them, however. We also let go of any labels we attached ourselves to... like I am a sad person, depressed person, I am a victim etc. We know that we are not defined and limited by our emotions or experiences. We understand that we are the creators of our experiences and we take responsibility for the choices we make within them. 

We move through self acceptance which is related to that light/rose pink essence of unconditional love. And then we move on to Divine Love which is magenta in essence and related to empowered love, which is neutral and rooted in Higher discernment. 

Shifting from intuition to Higher Knowing: 
The Higher Heart is linked to our Higher Self. And so a few other things happen as we activate the Higher heart essence--We move into the realms of Higher Self knowing rather than just the intuitive realms. So even our intuition is informed by our Higher knowing. When we activate the Higher heart, we activate our inner discernment, and so anything that comes to us, as well as any information, we are able to discern it as it comes into our field. This Higher sense of feeling is also activated within us. We switch to our innate way of receiving information and guidance from our own God-spark rather than seeking it in the external from teachers or from beings in the astral realms. 

Since we have no attachments and judgements related to the past, each now moment is alive with creative potential. We begin to enjoy the process of consciously creating our life and experiences. 

Making choices:
A big part of embodying Divine Love is making choices. We understand that everything we do and choose needs to be a reflection of our soul. We begin to actively make choices that are aligned with our soul and with the flow of life, even if they require life changes and courage. 
We nourish ourselves in an organic way. Whether it comes to food and physical nourishment or the intake of information, we choose what is for our Highest good. We are devoted to making lifestyle choices as well that reflect our soul path and purpose. As we begin to choose and live our Highest potential, we move into the realms of Service. 

Here is my video on the same subject:


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