The Seraphim and the power of creation!

Perhaps you are still feeling that uneasy feeling of a void before something wonderful comes in? Many ideas are coming in at this time! And it can make us feel like we want to get things moving but they are not moving as fast as we would like, or we wonder if they ever will at all. I was feeling this way and then a message came through with the Seraphim essence so strong, so I AM guided to share for all of us.
It was that if you have been feeling something extraordinary and big is coming, then you will be right! It is something like a baby that is birthed, and then needs to be nurtured. But just like all babies do, it will grow and mature before you even know it. So don't hold on to timing or seeing results. The fun is in the journey not the destination. So put your devotion and time into the creation and the nurturing process. Sometimes we forget this and can be scared to even begin. Think of all those areas in your life that you truly put unconditional efforts into because you were too excited to be creating something new to care about results. Did they not bring the highest 'rewards'?
We are guided to go all out and put our devotion and time into those things we love. This New Moon brought us many ideas and inspiration, so you surely know what this is for you.

Sometimes we truly don't realise just how powerful of a creator we are. And the Seraphim, creator beings' essence is here to remind us of our untapped, raw and unlimited creativity. We are guided that there are no limits. Leave behind any you think exist or defined you. Sometimes we emulate others as well, but realise that even they do not radiate the full capacity that you have within you of own unique frequency.
You are meant to do that thing that has never been done before. We all have our own rites of passage, things we were meant to bring forth. And when we know what these are, through inner feeling, and we engage in these areas, we have the Midas Touch, everything we touch turns to gold. Love, Shruti Fiona Vashist


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