Venus-Aries conjunction: Passion and fire moving us forward

Today my dad had a tournament so we went to this little town called Krapina. We visited the Neanderthal museum which turned out to be such a nice experience with Divine remembrance coming through about the story of Creation! The trips I go on always have a nice surprise element that I wasn't expecting and in the end, we know why we were guided there even though it didn't seem so special at first.
There has been a lot of fire energy coming through. I have been feeling physical sensations of heat moving through the crown as well as at the base of the feet and was so hyper all day. When we reached home, I saw that there have been reports of solar flares today.
Sometimes if we are not in balance somehow it can feel almost like we don't know how to channel so much energy through the body in the moment. This is why it is important to have a strong body as well. Spirit keeps showing me this theme lately and we are being inspired to make healthful changes in diet and exercise to our daily routines. What is this hyper energy inspiring in you? It may be bringing forward movement of that essence in your life that was dormant. Fire burns and transmutes all that is stagnant and adds fuel and movement to what is dormant as well.
We are guided to spend time in nature that is balancing and helps with the integration of New influxes. And let us use this time to channel this energy wisely and use it to shift anything that is stagnant instead of pushing those things that we want to control. Divine timing is at work.
Have a beautiful weekend!

(As written on 5th September 2015)
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