The Pleiadian Gateway

May 15, 16, 17 and 18 are Pleiadian Gateway days. This is when the Sun is at Galactic degrees in Taurus, a mark of the Pleiades. This is always a very potent time for those who are connected to Pleiadian lineage and missions. 
Today's the last day of the exact alignment of the Galactic Pleiadian Gateway. The seeds that have been planted within us as higher light packets in the past few days are unfolding within Flow as moments of deep Remembrance. We are meeting ourselves, as if for the first time, within a new vulnerability. This whole time my guides have been whispering to me that is 'the point o
f no return'. That this is how many Volunteer Souls are feeling Now. Because we came in with a different remembrance, we may have created subconscious patterns in early childhood of holding back from fully revealing ourselves as we are. Now it is as if all our cells are vibrating with the message... No more hiding, go in with ALL of you.
We are standing at a pivotal point of decision. There are choices to be made we have put off for long. In which we are guided to embrace the Truth of ourselves as if nothing and no one else in the world existed. And take actions accordingly.

As the first waves of Ascension we need to remind ourselves from time to time of our innate pioneering nature, as it was not so embraced by others around us. That there is nothing 'wrong' or 'impractical' about it and we need not harbour guilt or shame for being the way we are. If we go deep within, we are finding we can still hold beliefs that revealing or even admitting our inner Grandness and Majesty is wrong or not good for others somehow. Let us not hide behind excuses and remember that Truth does not hurt anyone or need justification. It just is. As long as we come from our Grounded truth, all we need to do is be in it and express from it without any force. Sometimes we feel we will need to push against the world when something so pure comes out. We forget that in higher truth, nothing needs forcing. It flows within Grace when we fully embrace the purity of our truth first.

It is a time when we are making the bigger life choices. Whether it is finally quitting your job and devoting your life to your higher mission, making dietary changes in alignment with Truth or finally showing up as you are to others, Make the choice NOW!

P.S Check out my new video on the Pleiadian Gateway below, where I share the highlights on what we activated and are integrating:


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