Weekly guidance for May 2nd week 2016

For this week's reading, choose either 1, 2 or 3. We are using the delightful Inner Child deck! Scroll down to see the reveal! 

Here is the reveal, below. Share the messages, if you enjoy!  
Click picture to enlarge

1. You get the card 'Child of Swords' 

Your message this week is about reflections and coming into your own. There are various messages for you. One is that if you look around and you see qualities in others that you find attractive, but feel you don't have, it is time to recognise and work with how they are Present within you. Write down the quality on top of a paper and then recall all the ways in which you have it and show it to yourself, even if they seem small. Remember that we only recognise beauty in another when we have it within and it is familiar to us. The only thing that needs to be embraced is to turn this focus inward and work with what we have there, by allowing it to emerge within Unconditional Love. This can be a significant turning point if you choose for it to be so, as something New wants to be empowered within you. The other message here is about deep mirror gazing. Look at yourself intimately in the eyes and allow your Core Self to come through and merge with you. It can be scary to do so when we stand face to face with our higher potential. But know that there is nothing standing in the way.   

The message in the book says, "When we begin to outgrow some form of youthful ignorance, the Pinocchio card may come up. At this point, we are no longer marionettes dancing to the strings of greed but humans reaching toward a mature outlook on life. You are being asked to investigate the power or Truth in your life. How honest are you? Make a clean break with any patterns of lying, cheating and self-deception. See yourself clearly in the mirror that reveals your true features. Learn to use the spiritual willpower and mental discipline of the sword to stay on your path of destiny." 

2. You get the card 'Mother Goose (The Empress)
Your message this week is about Stellar gifts coming your way. The golden egg represents the birth of something that is coming from your Angelic Self. When we allow the birth of something from a grounded place and especially from a deep Love and embrace of our own Tree of Life, immense potential is available to us. This is when we start to overflow with gifts, guidance, support and wisdom for others. And we can be generous with them. This is what creating from the golden Christ/Buddha light is all about. When Christ light goes out into the world this way, it also draws all we need to us to support us. When we know ourselves as overflowing Abundance and are generous with it, we draw it to us as well in various forms. Notice how Mother Goose loves and honours her goose? She knows it is an aspect of her. This is how we are guided to stay put in and create from our own frequency.           

The message in the book says, "When this card appears in a reading, open yourself to the birth potential within you. The primordial egg is hatching. New life and new beginnings are becoming actualised. Watch your dreams for clues about the future. Feel the abundance of life within your heart. Experience the joy of sensual touch. Let the healing powers of the plant kingdom work their magic within your mind and your etheric or energy body. Realise that each chakra or centre within your etheric body is like an egg waiting to crack open and reveal its spiritual splendour. Mother Goose is the provider of a wealth of manifestation. She offers you an egg, wherein lies the whole of your universe." 

3. You get the card 'Hansel and Gretel (The Lovers)
Your message this week is that when it comes to walking your Beloved path, you have more helpers than you realise. The Beloved path is all about coming into deeper intimacy and knowing of our Twin Soul nature. Even though most have a fantasy idea of meeting their Twin Flame, the grounded reality is one of utmost devotion to higher service, rather than our personal will. A big part of the journey involves being on our own so that we intimately embrace and know ourselves at all levels. Until we are not ready to face ourselves in our highest potential and all the things that we feel are out of our comfort zone, how can we handle another who is a direct mirror of it? Sometimes when we focus specifically on one end result, it is not what we are ready for in that moment. Instead there are other initiations first, that are leading us directly to our desire. At a Higher Self level, we know and create these rites of passage for us to walk through. At a soul level, when we choose to step through them we empower not only ourselves but also others in our grander Service. Your main guidance is to have courage and step forward in something you know you have long avoided. You know it is what is holding you back from expressing your true potential. This is part of what you create in Service with the Twin Soul essence. There are messengers of Spirit watching over and bringing you signs all around, as you allow yourself to be open to notice. 

The message in the book says, "When this card appears in your reading, a deep spiritual initiation or union may be taking place. Realise that each person has a feminine/masculine balance and that it is now time for you to bring these inner components into a state of balance and equilibrium. Hansel is a symbol of the animus–the wind, the spirit, and male energy. Gretel is the anima–the soul, nurturing, and feminine energy. Together hand in hand their rapport indicates a preliminary form of the divine marriage. Meditate on the beauty of these two children inspiring each other, and remember that they reflect the lost love of their parents, who have been worn down by the rigors of life. The spiritual embrace, the romantic touch, the heart centered gaze can allow you to re-experience the riches of unconditional love." 


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