Spirit Guidance card reading for September 20-26 2016

1. The organic vinegar: This was a surprise gift from someone. It is homemade, organic vinegar. Vinegar has many uses, but the 
first thing I thought of when I got this was salad. If you made this choice, this is a reminder from Spirit to make some changes in your diet to make it more healthful and truly resonant with the body! Sometimes we can have a false perception that eating lighter foods is not going to be tasty or fulfilling in some way. Or that cooking them is mundane and boring. Yet when we allow ourselves to live in the Flow of each moment, nothing feels like work. All unfolds in creative play. And when we start to throw in different ingredients together, something new is cooked each time. And since we made it in Flow with our Lifeforce, it is exactly what the body needed for the NOW. This is why people say that food cooked with Love tastes different. Because everything is an extension of our Lifeforce and what we create with it. You deserve amazing food that is Perfect and fulfilling for your body. Remember that everything you do on this planet depends on your inner Harmony with the temple that houses you. It is of utmost importance to give it the best treatment and nourishment. If there are any other thoughts standing in the way of Live foods not being tasty or filling enough, ask your guides to bring you fresh ideas, and then allow them to Flow in, in their own perfect time, all the while holding an open heart. You may be surprised at how solutions come up out of nowhere. But the focus and devotion to change needs to come first, from YOU.   

2. The Zagreb heart box: On the other side of the eclipse, we are feeling a great anticipation about what is to be born in our new creative cycle, both in the coming months and the coming year. With regards to our mission, the place we serve, the people we connect with and the new ways of Abundant living that support us, a lot may be changing fast. During such a time of shifts, as much as we are excited, we can feel unsure about what to expect. When this box came to us as a surprise gift, I knew what it meant for me. I have been living in Zagreb for some years NOW but my time here is coming to an end with the beginning of next year. This box came as a gift from Spirit for serving the land here. Which country or even continent I will be in next year is something I don't yet know. So this box also came as a reminder that three years ago I was in the same space of not knowing and then we landed up here in a country and city that was Perfect for me for these years in our Ascension. The box comes as a reminder to us that some things in life are meant to be a mystery. Especially the more grounded we are in our Ascension, the more acceleration we experience on the Ascension Timeline. And the Master becomes used to this complete Surrender of trusting Life and the Higher Will. They are simply open to being where it is needed for them to be in the way they are needed to be. And they know that no matter the push and pull we try at a lower mind level, what grounds through Spirit is what is Perfectly aligned and most fulfilling for us anyway. The Devas of the Land bring you reassurance that Gaia supports those who serve her in all ways. You are taken care of more than you know. And seen for your Service to Creation. You need only know you deserve the Royal support you will always have. It is especially important to remember this NOW as the timelines shift and align with the new potential from within us! During this time we need to hold space for any emotional flux too.  
