Weekly guidance reading for September 2nd week

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1. You got the Precious Patchouli soap! 

​This soap has the main essences of Patchouli and Vetivert. They are both Earthy fragrances great for financial prosperity and Earthly Abundance. Your message is that this may be a week of transformation when it comes to creating a life of stability within your Abundance. You may be at the final state of integrating some leftover old thoughts. And there may be some initiation needed to bring those up so that you can fully trust and allow the inherent Abundance of the Universe that creates from within you. I read somewhere that Patchouli is related to Scorpio energy. And Scorpio energy is about touching the deepest of the dark depths in order for a magnificent rebirth to happen. It is a complete undoing of what was. And as we allow the (false) structures we held to fall and completely dissolve, a Golden temple of Christ Consciousness is left in its place. While rebirths can be challenging they don't have to be unpleasant if we are willing to go with the tide instead of resisting it. This is an opportunity to place your sense of security in the Eternal NOW rather than projections of a future you don't want to have! Work with: What thought patterns have I held tightly on to that actually have no foundation in a higher reality? Wearing darker Scorpionic colours like deep reds, black and deep purple may help you with rebirth.  Your focus quality of the week: Let go! 

2. You got the Energising massage oil with the main oils of apricot kernel and sunflower! 
Both these oils are great for creative as well as sexual expression. This blend overall has a light, fresh aroma. Your message is about your energy picking up. This is because recently you have remembered how to harness your creative/sexual energy. When it is just bottled up, it causes irritation, frustration or disappointment in Self. But once we can recognise when a new Creative Spark is igniting in the body, we can Flow within its Natural stream. We can create more than the mind would have thought possible. And it all flows within the fire of Passion. More Effortless, Efficient and Fulfilling than anything else. What is that creative project you have been wanting to try? This choice brings confirmation it is time NOW. Don't limit your confidence and potential with over or set expectations. Just vow to try and have fun along the way, because you deserve it. See how things unfold and where they lead you. Another thing about this oil is that it is light and so unlike other oils, is a great oil to use even in the summer. So I feel this is saying that whatever you are starting is something that will flourish even in the off-season, so don't be too concerned about waiting for the right time. Currently Mercury is Retrograde and most astrologers say wait until this is over to start something new but I feel what you are starting is more like returning to something you have known before. And so if it feels right deep in the body to start something, it is Divine Timing. Your focus quality of the week: Creative Flow within Lightness! 

3. You got the Turmeric Soothing Balm! 
I absolutely Love this balm. Turmeric has excellent properties for regeneration of the skin. In India, it is tradition to make turmeric clay masks for the face of the bride-to-be to beautify her skin. They even have a day of ceremony for this where the girl's friends and other female relatives come together to sing and dance to feminine songs to ignite the bride's inner Feminine and make her feel beautiful from the inside out. So this choice is a call for you to celebrate the Feminine within you, whether you are male or female. If there is something about your body you feel insecure about, or if there is some reluctance to embracing your Feminine qualities, perhaps you haven't yet developed a deep relationship with this part of you. This is why this soft Feminine choice has come to you today. To remind you of the innate Strength of the Feminine that is able to just hold space for a thing or a person as it is NOW. Embracing it just the way it is and reflecting the Light of the one who does not feel whole to them by receiving them completely. Free of judgement. The Empowered Feminine part of us knows that not always is there a need to act, do and give advice. Sometimes the most effective thing is to just receive someone/thing as it is NOW and reflect their Divinity to them. The Empowered Feminine knows all as Beauty. So your guidance is to work at this level with parts of yourself you did not embrace, that you still feel some shame for. Make a list of in what ways they served you, how they are beautiful. When you connect with any part of yourself at this level, you may be surprised how it starts responding. Also, this could be a call to have personal ceremonies in which you honour and celebrate your inner Feminine. Your focus quality of the week: Beauty of the Feminine! 
