Blending of Dimensions: Daily Ascension Guidance

Today's Ascension Guidance... BLENDING OF DIMENSIONS

There are visions and moments of Remembrance flowing to us of other timelines. These can be past existences whether on Earth or in other planes of existence in the Universe. Or simultaneous ones of our Greater Self. This Remembrance when it comes through sparks our Rainbow DNA to become activated. Thus opening up the potential for us to live it in the Present. And contribute to the Melting Pot of various Star Nations that #Gaia is becoming. When deep Higher Remembrance ignites the cells, sometimes we fall into a sense of homesickness. So our guides, the #Cetaceans, bring this to our Conscious Awareness NOW and nudge us instead to be patient and hold space as one reality merges with another. When we are Conscious of what is taking place within us at a higher level, this allows us to be more optimistic and just hold a space of Love as things fall into place around us at the physical level too. My guides revealed to me some time ago that Cetacean Consciousness is about bridging and merging dimensions and timelines seamlessly, as they are the Masters of Flow across the Creation web. So we may be inspired to call upon these Light beings to aid this merge.
 #ascension #selfmastery #shaman #shamanic #journeying #Cetaceanconsciousness #whales #whalebeings #lightbeings #consciousness #lightbody #multidimensional #loveandlight #dolphins #dolphinconsciousness #kundalini #newearth #intergalacticcouncil #sirian #pleiadian #lyran #arcturian #lightworker #starseed #earthangel
