Higher Guidance Reading for 8-14th November

For this week's guidance, choose one of the following oracle decks. You will receive a card from it with a short message as higher guidance for this week.
As a quick note, we are having strong Ascension symptoms NOW in the wake of a CME and may be guided to spend time alone or in Nature to integrate.

This week's guidance messages came out to be short and precise. It felt like we are being called to go within more. Hope the messages resonate and enjoy your week! Scroll down for the reveal! ​

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1. You chose the Gateway Oracle: 
Your card is EMERGING INTO GRACE: There are various stages of knowing ourselves as balance on the Ascension Path. But the state of Grace is the highest Union. Where we live the balance of Love, Wisdom and Power in equal measure, which is how we are created and always are in our Eternal Truth. But when we know ourselves as it in our physicality, all just effortlessly comes and is created for and from us. Your guidance for this week is to ask yourself, which of these three qualities are you drawn to express more of NOW, for balance? Often we get more comfortable with one quality and overdo it, neglecting another. That is when we experience some bumps rather than a smooth ride. There is nothing 'wrong' with this of course, yet we do feel some sense of 'struggle'. So your guidance is to let go of the idea of needing to go through struggle for something to happen. We often have the misconception that we need to do something huge to make a big shift. Yet your guidance is to Simply embrace you are Grace. And see the changes that occur as a result of this shift in perception. Relationships are one of the biggest triggers to Soul expansion. And you may find they are your perfect 'practice ground' for this NOW. 
Your affirmation: 'I AM Grace.' 

2. You chose the Life Purpose Oracle: 
Your card is FREEDOM: There are many cards in this deck with more specific frequencies like 'Teacher' or 'Artist'. Yet the card that came through for you was Freedom. This means that your guides truly want you to experience from within that there is no need to take permission from anyone to be what you are. Instead, your focus for NOW may be to know the feeling of Freedom from within you. Take a look at the image. What is the feeling in your heart when you think of Complete Freedom of being? Be sure to often re-visit this inner vibration. For it is what will birth into the physical your most heartfelt desires. 
Your affirmation: 'I AM Freedom' 

3. You chose the Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle: 
Your card is BLESSED CHANGE: There are some synchronicities pointing you in a direction quite different from what you have known. You will know when you receive these messages as synchronicities in your every day life because of how it feels. It will feel like staring back at a reflection of your own inner state. It can be the most challenging thing to let go of an idea we have held on to and to embrace something different. Yet we also feel that state of Liberation like something no longer aligned has been lifted. And then we can welcome in the natural excitement for the new that follows. This new direction for you, is one of Abundance.    
Your affirmation: 'I AM Flow'  


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