Creating with Light Signatures


Today's guidance is that someone in the higher realms is watching over as you have dreams and secret visions! As a Co-creator with the Creator Beings, the Desire nature of a Human is very powerful indeed. When we dream of things that arise from a deep feeling of passion, this is not just 'idle' daydreaming. We are actually engaged in the process of creating Sacred Geometrical patterns in the energy realms. We are telling the Universe what it is we wish to create and experience in this part of the Universe. This is the only reason we are born in the first place, to create Life. So of course this is an ability we innately have. What's more, within a state of Pure Passion, anything we desire is always for our highest good and that of All. This is because if a Human is truly able to be in and hold the vibration of Desire, any lower agendas would have dissolved within this vibration first. This is the gift of being Human... to feel this state of Pure Desire. To be the empty space through which the Desire of Source itself creates the world. We can often be very scared of totally feeling Desire in the body. Because the second we acknowledge it, the next moment the lower mind often has the habit of convincing us we can't have in physical form what we so intensely feel for. That instant is the moment of reckoning. Will we get scared and run away? Or stand in pure Passion and allow it to strip away any crutches we are clinging on to? 

We have been experiencing Activations of Simplicity during this Galactic Pleiadian portal. Where we have ease of access to the bare Truth. It feels as if the missing pieces of the puzzle are just floating in and competing the grand picture. Especially when it comes to higher Principles. And we can't believe how uncomplicated and Simple it all is. The moment this Simple Light Signature is recognised in the heart, we are marvelling at how we are suddenly standing in front of it in the world. 


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