Gifts of Purity: Daily Ascension Guidance


Receiving with Grace is often something that takes more courage than giving. For in order to do so we must first fully face that we are worth the whole world and more! This level of Intimacy with the Mighty I AM Presence (our God-self) can feel overwhelming to most Humans. As always we keep expanding in different areas of our life. And we are being told that we have become a bigger vessel for Spirit Light to course through us than we may realise, especially in a certain area of our life. A gift of Purity is offered to us NOW from the benevolent Universe. It is not always in the form we think. But if we accept it wholeheartedly and without a doubt that we deserve it, that is setting up a new dynamic where things flow to and from us effortlessly. It might sound contradictory but only when we fully know we deserve all the Abundance in the world can we experience true non-attachment from the material aspects of life. For we realise that the source that sustains us (our Light) is much grander and expansive than whatever physical things we have placed our survival and comfort in. Light flows through us, slows down and takes whatever form is needed in each moment for our full potential to thrive in the physical. This is why if we observe life carefully, all that we need in each moment tends to somehow be in our environment at the time. Whether it's ideas, resources, compliments from others etc. Recognising the gift of the moment within appreciation for its service to us is what opens up more doors. And this is how life is created in this Universe, how it progresses. There is nowhere else to go or look–only to be. This is the gift Life offers us, NOW–and always! 


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