Portal of Light: Daily Ascension Guidance


Our Intuition and dreams are very heightened in these Supermoon energies. Our higher aspects are working with us through the dream state to impregnate us with new visions of our Purpose for the year. These new Light Packets that have been implanted are trying to descend NOW from the crown into the body. Once this more Grounded process starts to happen, these visions that make us feel a sense of grandness but are broad, also become something more tangible, and flow through us in the world in bits and pieces as something we can apply in each NOW, towards the manifestation of our vision. If we find ourselves a bit scattered or ungrounded, then it is time to Simplify our lives somehow. To focus on the Here and NOW. And be open to life presenting you an opportunity to begin creating your higher vision into physical form. It may also be a good time to clean your physical environment as this too can shift the energy and anchor us into a state of Simple, Conscious Receptivity, which is followed by Simple, Conscious Action. When we truly allow for this, we realise it was the least 'work' and most efficient action we could have taken. Pipal is the tree associated with the final stage of embodiment of Buddha's Enlightenment, which is the full, final grounding of Light into Matter. In a smaller way perhaps, we too are going through such a process NOW and witnessing how Light becomes Form through us as the portal.  


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