Acts of Service: Daily Ascension Guidance

​Today's Ascension Guidance... ACTS OF SERVICE
We are feeling the call of the Divine Will to act through us NOW to accelerate the Ascension Plan for our planet. When we make ourselves Pure vessels for receiving Spirit-Light, we are filled in with the Divine directive, and become agents for Spirit to work within the outer (physical) planes of Existence. Often times, these Inspired actions are Pioneering and not the norm. So they require us to take a leap of Faith and to trust the instruction we are receiving. The card Beyond Wisdom of the Founders frequency is Perfect for NOW as we are receiving clear codes from these realms of the Founder beings who oversee the creation and expansion of the Universe. We are in the sign of Sagittarius as well for a month which relates to the Monad/Mind of God realms. So for a month we have this focus of expansion of our Higher Mind and creative activities that flow from it. I keep getting continuous messages still of taking initiatives of supporting each other on the Ascension Path. Whether that is through words of Wisdom, encouragement or offering support in other ways. We are called to show our support and devotion to Ascension, which only expands when each of us feel supported and expand individually at all levels.. spiritual, emotional, mental and physical. So pay attention to spontaneous Inspiration from Spirit for where your support may be needed NOW. 
