The Perfection of NOW: Daily Ascension Guidance

Today's Ascension Guidance... THE PERFECTION OF NOW 

Our card is: 'Zodiac Angel of Virgo': It's funny how we keep getting Virgo messages lately! After the recent world events, our guides are drawing our attention to remember the inherent Perfection of the Divine Plan to the details. We tend to forget that just like our personal journey, the collective journey is not linear either. Even as consistent progression is the overall harmonic, there are cycles of death and rebirth that need to be experienced within the journey. At this time in our Ascension, the focus is more on coming into power at an individual level. There are no miracles or saviours outside of ourselves that can 'fix' things for us and make them better. Even if the collective reality were to become a peachy one, we do not experience this at an individual level until we fully Surrender to the rebirth process of embracing ourselves, and making Conscious choices within Divine Love on an every day basis. Equally so, for those who have activated the (Higher Heart) Divine Love frequency in their physical embodiment, the collective events do not have much of a bearing on their lives. They have already Mastered to be and create from their Source Vortex no matter what unfolds around them. This is how we best serve collective Ascension and create invisible new energetic foundations within the Divine Love frequency. That sustain us outside of the collapsing Matrix field, and pave the way for others to embrace the same Natural Path. 
