Mirror Reflections: Daily Ascension Guidance
Our dreams and intuition may be very active bringing up experiences of past relationships. There is something big that has shifted in how we relate to each other. For those in Flow with the Holy Spirit can feel the call to co-create with others for higher Service in more expansive ways NOW. Even when we don't know exactly what this will look like, we stand up Simply in Service of Divine Love. This energy of Co-creation within Divine Love is needed more than anything else on the planet and the Aware Souls are the ones to seed it here for the first time. Some deep integrations of the old may be taking place NOW and we are guided to just hold space. For things get wrapped up in our White Light vortex vigorously, right before something new is landing. Whoever came our way did for a reason that is above and beyond any personal agendas we or they may have had. After we look at the nitty gritties, it is important to also zoom out into this higher perspective that eventually we all just played a part in each other's becoming of the Beloved. From a higher perspective, no one owes anything to anyone else. A Being can Simply experience and choose life as per what is most needed for their Service and Soul Growth from where they stand. Even when we are called to protect others we love, be loyal etc, really we are not being loyal to a person rather a value we see reflected in them. At the point that doesn't align, something within us tells us that our path lies elsewhere NOW. And then we have the Free Will to choose it or to not. The perception of hurt and disappointment from others only comes in when we haven't recognised where we are still not choosing ourselves fully. Any such revelations NOW are landing new relationship energy. Of mirror experiences in the external that reflect our new maturity and wholeness.
**For more articles on Self Mastery, Personal Services with me and more, visit blog link below: https://livingourascension.blogspot.com
#belovedinall #cocreation #divinelove #ascension #enlightenedrelationships
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