The Harvest: Daily Ascension Guidance
Sometimes when we have been through a longer phase of surmounting a challenge, we can fail to identify that the more challenging part of it, the climb, has already happened and we are NOW returning downhill. Along the way up we were shown many reflections of the higher version of our Self. Each time we embraced each one that fell along our path, we climbed a step higher. At the top pf the mountain, we returned to our Self completely. Stayed there a while within a deep Remembrance of all we are. And NOW we are returning with this inner Knowing. This is a more relaxed, feminine phase of returning with our harvest. Of gathering it together to create more Beauty and Harmony for ourselves and the world. In order to fully get into that, however, we need to let go of looking for more answers out there, and trust that which was needed has already been shown to us in its completeness within the Rite of Passage we are completing, as we bring our new knowing into the world to live it NOW. It's not a time any more to blaze through the fire of empowerment to keep on transforming, rather to know we are as empowered as we need to be in this phase. To Remember how to just be in our new Aware Self and create from this essence spontaneously. Let us relish each moment of being here, honour and reward ourselves for the journey we have undertaken. Our guides are bringing congratulatory messages for all that we have chosen lately. They are asking us to see our Beauty and reward ourselves. Reaching home is inevitable and doesn't have to be hurried. So on your way back down NOW don't forget to stop to smell the flowers, to drink from Pure streams and take in the Perfection of YOU living in this world. 'Action' happens NOW through less physical work, and more just being the Light you are.
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