Ascension Guidance on the weekend Solar Eclipse

It is a time of some bigger physical shifts for the Ascension Collective. Things like moving home, changing jobs etc has been on the horizon.  

Even as many things may have been up in the air, with different ideas for our evolving purpose, today's card is saying there is some clarity coming NOW. We often fall into believing that things happen to us forgetting that we are active creators of our reality. Today's guidance comes to not wait on something external to save us or to decide our 'fate' for us. Very often we look at the physical 'reality' around us and start choosing backup options before we even admitted, forget even gave a shot, to our highest desire. We are guided today to take some time to sit by ourselves and ask: What IS it that I most want? Focus on the specific QUALITIES of the place, work etc you want to create rather than specific names. And then physically write this list of qualities. Make the list long expressing all your desires freely, and as if 'practical concerns' were not a factor. We may be surprised at what we write. And how much we tend to limit ourselves even in admitting what we want! Once we come face to face with our Pure Desire this way, life responds and opens up the Path of our Desire. Most often in the form of a small or humble action step that is a hidden Golden Opportunity presented in the every day. It is a very potent time NOW with the upcoming solar eclipse this Sunday for coming face to face with what we want to Consciously manifest in the world. And to take a small but powerful INITIATIVE in that direction.

**For personal services and readings to deepen your Self Mastery, visit my blog (link in bio
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