Daily Ascension Guidance... Our own Sovereign

With #Mars square #Pluto, we are having some fiery energy coming up! There can be some challenging situations that bring up some old fears. And it is up to us to pinch ourselves in those moments to be 'Awake' in the dream. No matter what unfolds around us or what others choose, we always have a choice as to whether we view the situation being in our favour or not. In Truth, all happens for our expansion. And circumstances that bring up our old fears are often the dark wormholes that are transporting us to another dimensional experience! The important thing to do is to allow ourselves to realise in the moment when we are triggered–that actually we are not this fear. Knowing in the moment that we don't HAVE to choose it–is so empowering and liberating. For the things that control us the most in our lives are the ones where we are repeating the same old tune like a broken record and we don't even know we are doing it! So let us thank all the people and circumstances that are here to mirror to us our own True Self. Even if they do so through a challenging way. There is no greater #Freedom or #ecstasy that can be held in body than knowing that nothing outside of ourselves runs us. That we can always ride the wave of the NOW within Love. And that everything unfolds in our favour anyway! The cards today mirror this sentiment.. the Tower card is about allowing the complete crumbling of any forts we have built against our expansion. And the rebirth that follows, as we emerge with the Stars in our hands... the Star Card.

**For personal services and readings to deepen your Self Mastery, visit my blog (link in bio)​
​ #ascension #sovereignty #awareness #consciousness #nowmoment #expandednow #ridingthewave #​higherself #divinelove #wormhole #empowerment #healing #wholling #astrology #selfmastery #relationships #divinerelationships #divinelover #liberation 
