Daily Ascension Guidance... ANCESTRAL INHERITANCE

  • We are feeling higher frequencies energising the body. At times these can feel a bit feverish while they are still going through the process of melding with and into Form. We have also been needing more rest because of this past few days. And dreamtime activity is heightened. Moreso as the sun has moved into the sign of Pisces which has to do with the higher feeling realms, that can make us feel dreamy, psychic or just very attuned to the subtle realms. This is making the veils thin and communication from our guides and inner Beloved comes through easily through the flow of higher feeling. Magical creativity is heightened as well. The Ten of Pentacles is about receiving some kind of an inheritance. This could be something physical handed down to us, or the retrieving of a soul memory from our spiritual Ancestors. There is a sense of family bond and sharing of heritage, which may come through a surprising source. Like the golden ball the woman in the image is holding. 

    **For personal services and readings to deepen your Self Mastery, visit my blog (link in bio)
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