Daily Ascension Guidance... Activation of Knowledge

The #eclipse is a powerful time because it has to do with the opposite polarities meeting in an embrace where the veils to the greater #Cosmos are thin, and not just to the realms where the planets dance and interact with each other. So a time like this is great for our own integration of polarities into Unity consciousness.. which is what Ascension is. There are many different paths that can lead a soul to 'Ascend' in form. But each soul chooses a pre-set path that is magnified in their life, where they will experience both the most growth as well as contribute the most to Humanity. The most 'destined' point of this merge of polarities in our astrological chart is represented by the Rahu/Ketu axis or where the North and South nodes fall. The other personal planets in our chart ultimately serve the culmination of this main destiny. Our card today is the Central Sun of all Suns. And represents aiding planetary and Universal Divine balance. Which is something we can do best as we increasingly come into the balance of our inner polarities. The Light activations and physical experiences of mirroring we recently went through with the eclipse are blossoming in our Conscious #Awareness as practical usable #Knowledge of how we best serve our own Ascension, which becomes the area of our greatest contribution in this incarnation to the Ascension Plan.  

**For personal services and readings to deepen your Self Mastery, visit my blog (link in bio) #selfmastery #ascension #occult #astrology #rahu #ketu #northnode #southnode #unityconsciousness #polarities #innermarriage #christconsciousness #sacredunion #transcendence #trinity #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #wisdom #spiritualwisdom #oracle #dailyoracle #tarot #ascensionguide #empowerment #Ascensionplan #cosmicexpansion #infinity #eternity #divinelove 
