Daily Ascension Guidance... The Homecoming

​When this card comes up, it is often talking about certain Rites of Passage that are opening up along the path of #Ascension, that are being orchestrated by our Oversoul. This is why both the cards today are about protection as we follow the path of our Joy. The Fairy Godmother is watching over Dorothy and her entry into the Emerald City–the Heart space and her true Home. Even though we can tend to look for our path and our Home outside of ourselves, it was always Here. It did not betray or leave us. Our external environment may have shifted drastically to mirror the deep rebirths the heart went through. But it is time NOW to know the safety, constancy and Home feeling that is always within. As we allow ourselves to be nurtured and replenished in this Love vibration and let ourselves receive Love within, the external mirrors it too as an offering. And today's main message is a nurturing one to Remember ourselves as the Perfect Divine Child who is deserving of receiving all the Love and #Abundance in the world. To really open up the heart space and truly feel what that even feels like. Our Oversoul and team of guides can only assist us as much as we know ourselves as deserving of the best. That is how we give them the nod of approval through our Free Will. Within this space of child-like openness to Abundance and knowing our Purity, the heart is opening up to a new Joy of Life. That is even felt as heart orgasms.

#joy #heartspace #divinelove #innerchild #healing #wholling #oversoul #divinechild #higherself #divinelover #joiedevivre #love #selflove #unconditionallove #divinefeminine #energy #goodvibes #archangel #archangelmichael #divinewill #rebirth #mother #perfection 
