Daily Ascension Guidance... Inner Marriage Initiations

This is a beautiful card of Inner Sacred Union. The #Lover and the #Beloved unite in the inner temple, renewing their vows. This is symbolic of what we are going through NOW. As we remember the Original vibration and the completeness of this Inner Union, we make choices in the physical that reflect the completeness and safety of this inner Belonging. You are not a tiny helpless part of the whole Self left on the Earth plane. You are the wholeness living itself out in physicality. And when we know ourselves as complete, we don't feel that we cannot live our higher values in the physical. There is never a need to compromise on our higher values. Only to feel into the Sacredness of the inner Trinity and to draw any actions, choices and words from that space. This is the space we are not only feminine and not only masculine. But the convergence of all three as the #HigherSelf. So any qualities we feel are 'missing' in the physical are already a part of us.. whether it is being received and nurtured or being provided for. These are experiences that are lived naturally and we find ourselves having when we remember ourselves as the wholeness of the inner #Trinity. Each time there is to be an expansion in the physical in how these qualities are to be lived in the physical, we draw certain initiations where we must make a courageous physical choice.. remembering ourselves as inner wholeness rather than a tiny fragment. 

**Find this Trinity rock from a Sacred site in the high Alps on my etsy store at the following link: 
https://www.etsy.com/listing/511304857/mountain-yogi-alpine-vortex-set?ref=shop_home_active_5    #sacredmarriage #innermarriage #divinelover #twinsoul #twinflame #belovedessence #divinemasculine #divinefeminine #selflove #god #goddess #godwithin #5thdimension #5thdimensional #divinelove #temple #pilgrimage #ritual #christconsciousness #enlightenment #selfmastery #empowerment 
