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Eclipse portal of Universal Christ/Beloved Service
Happy Eclipse!! There are streams of Joy pouring through the heart with this#Fullmoon Lunar #eclipse in #Leo. With Jupiter having turned retrograde in#Libra recently, there is a lot of Wisdom and remembrance of #Beloved codes coming to us through relationship interactions. Plus within the eclipse energies which accelerate the energy of the meeting of the Sun and Moon, there are codes and revelations coming in regarding our Soul/TwinSoul nature. Insights into what we may have repressed as our pure and higher desire regarding co-creation with others are coming to Light in a way they didn't so far. These always relate to our higher service and become known to us when it is right (and needed) for the whole to benefit from our service within it. In this way there is a meeting of the inner Masculine and Feminine Polarities taking place as they face each other within more Joy and empowerment than they may have done. And what happens when polarities merge within harmony? The portal to the #Trinity of the #Masculine,#Feminine and #Higherself becomes open to us. At the highest levels of Self, this Trinity is the Cosmic Christ/Beloved Reunions within ourselves. And when we know ourselves as the Universal Christ and Beloved, whether we serve individually or in partnership with others, portals open up for the first time on Earth to serve and co-create within Christ/Buddha frequencies. I AM having strong blissful orgasmic states move through me for no reason within these eclipse energies! And there is an overwhelming outpouring of golden Bliss from the Solar Plexus #chakra through the body. Cosmic frequencies that enter the Earth for the first time always feel this way, and are activated in receptive Ascension Devotees as codes for new Service. But they do have to be fully embraced as they are within openness.
**For personal services and readings to deepen your Self Mastery, visit my blog (link in bio) #selfmastery #ascension#twinsoul #innerbeloved#christedbeloved #innerchrist#christconsciousness #enlightenment#buddha #higherservice #gaia#divinelove
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