Daily Ascension Guidance... Taking a chance on Love!

We have recently caught a Star from the sky and brought it to Earth! However, it can still feel like this Magical reality is yet to fully grow roots in the physical in a way that we can physically live it. Today's guidance says we have to know that there is more action going on underground, in the hidden where this birthing process is happening. Just like a pregnant mother, it is important to not try to force the delivery, rather trust in the inevitability of #Birth. To know our Self-worth through it all and pay attention to what we feed and nourish ourselves with (thoughts, media, food) while the baby is within the #womb. For it affects and shapes the creation that is baking within us. This includes any old thoughts that are recycling within the lower mind. Especially when we start to feel some irritation because of this, it is important to realise this is a pivotal moment right before the shift. Something we are not fully trusting about the new is being held up in our face again and again. Like a parent still in denial of having become one! So we can just take a moment to be with it in the #heartspace, without attachment.. to behold the new in all its Grandness. As we do so, those final loose fragments cycle inwards and come into integration of our field and a Greater Presence is birthed. There is a sense of recognition, #fulfillment and contentment. As we centre ourselves to embrace the Grand new, giving it a chance without conditions and pre-set ideas of how things might go... just like when we go to see a movie. We are gradually making a shift into Spring where the seeds of the New Life relating to this New Year start to emerge and sprout. So with the way we embrace our new roles NOW, we prepare ourselves to be Grounded and ready for what is to come, like parents-to-be.

#divinelove #birthcanal #yoni #divinefeminine #rebirth #selflove #Magick #choosinglove #selfmastery #higherheart #evolution #ascension 
