Daily Ascension Guidance... The Missing Link

There are beautiful breakthroughs happening NOW within how we create in the world with our inner #Magic. Notice how the woman has gathered leaves and turned them into a fireball? We are coming into touch with our inner #Alchemist.. the #Magician who knows how to work with energy forms that flow from our inner soul essences. And create from them something of another nature. There are precise codes coming to us of the missing links of something that we did not realise about ourselves. That held us back from knowing just how powerful we are. And once we embrace these, the perspective of our reality goes through a dimensional shift. We see the world from new eyes. There is a great sense of limitlessness and the world being in our hands where we are finally wielding our sword of power, that was always rightfully ours. Only NOW we mustered the Self Worth to claim it. And once we choose to make an empowering choice in the physical, a Sacred Marriage of polarities is born. And we return to the wholeness of the inner #Trinity.

#ascension #selfmastery #breakthrough #sacredmarriage #innerunion #innermarriage #belovedpath #divinelover #5thdimension #energy #alchemy #soulalchemy #wisdom #spiritualwisdom #oracle #dailyoracle #tarot #christconsciousness #enlightenment 
