​Daily Ascension Guidance: COLLECTIVE EVOLUTION

Today morning I woke up with the longest dreams where I was meeting some people I parted ways with in the past. There was a meeting in a new way and a feeling of resolution where it had not happened in the physical. When we open ourselves up to Acceptance, Spirit works with us to integrate things in the higher planes. This is how Divine Love can be lived and felt for all no matter what physical experiences we had with anyone. And the moment we let go of holding on to attachments instead allowing Spirit to enter those spaces where we contracted within mistrust, those parts of us experience an elevation into a new frequency. It is not always about the idea of 'healing' and feeling that we need to keep working on ourselves. Rather the Master embraces that change is a natural part of life. And everything that comes and leaves in the physical is not related to our 'fault' or anyone else's. Just like we sow, nurture seeds and then harvest, our relationships will always go through cycles as well. No matter the details of what is occuring at a physical level, the relationships between Volunteer Souls especially come and shift according to the higher mission we are currently involved with. We come together to support each other and experience the co-creation of something new and to trigger new codes within each other. And as expansion happens, the dynamic between our relationships change as well. Whether they are ones we are still in or those we left behind, there is a shift occuring NOW in the overall Ascension Collective energy. And we are asked at this time to embrace the frequency of Resolution. This does not mean having to agree with others where it does not feel Authentic for us, it simply means fully accepting others and ourselves as we are, and honouring our individual journeys within Oneness. For there is a collective desire NOW for progress, expansion and oneness within the higher vision, above all personal differences. We are wrapping up and entering a new phase of Divine Love and relationships.
