Daily Ascension Guidance... Higher Channeling Pathways

There is a lot of fire moving through us still. When this is the case, the body can feel overheated or burnt if we don't allow it a healthy outlet. Sexual Flow as well as higher creativity are at their highest at such a time. And often we open up new pathways for these where we allow the body to soak in the heat. Take notice of how you go about your day. Do you take short abrupt breaths or deep, long ones which are connected to the whole body, which allow the Sacred Breath that is the fire to become one with yours? When we don't breathe deep the higher influxes are stuck in only a certain portion of the body and can feel like irritation. Whereas when we allow Flow through meditative activities, as well as creative and physical ones they become pleasurable. This not only integrates higher frequencies within our whole being but creates new life through us. #Meditation may help to calm down the body and distribute the higher energy, whereas physical activities within the balance of Divine Love can be the ones that help us to match the hyperness we feel coming through in a productive way. Both #Stillness as well as Movement are needed when it comes to Higher Integration, and we know which one is best for the moment through the way the body speaks to us. It is a good opportunity for a lot of creative action and breathing new life into projects and ideas we have had on our mind. And there is a lot of assistance available from our guides as to what is Grounded to develop for the NOW. It feels like the Book of Records is open to us in its vastness to channel from, but we will know specifically what to focus on to channel through, that is needed for the NOW.

 #ascension #channeling #intuition #wisdom #akashicrecords #monad #highermind #mindfulness #tantra #tantricenergy #lifeforce #sacredsexuality #contact #goddess #goddessflow #creativity #highercreativity #ascensionsymptoms #selfmastery #grounding #gaia #kundalini #yoga #kriyayoga #oracle #dailyoracle #tarot
