A Shared Purpose: Daily Ascension Guidance


​Today's Ascension Guidance: We are beginning to come into a new embrace of Divine Love as the year closes. We are finding others that are reflecting our path for the NOW, sometimes through interactions that are different from what we are used to. This is why we are being asked to be open to co-create with those who we have a common shared Purpose with. Despite any surface differences, this is the most important factor that brings Souls together in the New Paradigm. And becomes the basis for relationships and co-creations that support the building of the Crystalline Grid on the planet through fifth dimensional interactions of Divine Love. One who has submitted themselves to Divine Love beyond all reason and ego creates a life in which the Call of the NOW is the only resident sound. And it feels like there is no choice but to heed this call, not knowing what exactly it might lead to, only knowing that something feels right for NOW, within Greater Flow. There is a reminder from the higher realms that beyond all else, we are in Service to Ascension, to evolution, after all! So embrace your fellow brothers and sisters-in Light, within the recognition of this Greater occurrence, seeing what you have as common purpose.
